Stupid Maoist Tricks
Well, let's see what our brave representatives of "The People" of Nepal, the CPN-UML Maoist party are up to today. In an ongoing effort to continue to win the hearts and minds of rural Nepali citizens, the Kathmandu Post reports today that Maoists have crushed the hands of a breast-feeding mother. What a grand gesture of compassion and solidarity with the masses!
This all follows on the heels of last week's Maoist move of disrupting and beating volunteers who were administering polio drops to rural children. Add that to a November incident where our Maoist heroes used power drills to torture local women in Dailekh and you can see why Maoists are adored and revered by "The People".
Blogdai is saddened, and cannot understand the death threats he receives from The Grand People's Hero's of the Maoist Party. Blogdai will try to discard large parts of his brain in order to understand and fit-in better with our Maoist Hero Brethren: Long Live "The People".