Thursday, July 07, 2005

The Makeover Continues

Paras proudly displays his award ribbon for "Most Improved Drinking Skills" won at a local Karaoke bar in Tokyo this week. (KOL photo)

Paras is in Japan now. The purpose of the trip is irrelevant other than to give our Prince another chance at a photo-op and a speech during this new makeover period.

Sounding frightfully king-like, our boy regally speaks the Royal line when he intones: “…both our countries recognize the people as the strength of the institution of the monarchy,” Prince Paras said, “and the institution of monarchy is totally devoted to the service of the people.”

This is practice stuff. Boilerplate crap designed to make Paras look like a good guy. Does anyone truly believe the King would allow Paras to make a speech that introduces some new policy initiative or, say for example, made a comment on the Maoist situation? Not on your life. Paras is a political liability and his speeches and appearances will reflect this for a while.

This is the first act in a long production designed to groom Paras for the Throne.



At 9:22 AM, July 08, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

K garne?

To do nothing is a sin in itself. Perhaps the greatest political evil that one can perpetrate as a citizen.

The people of Nepal can not allow the political plague that reaps death across the Himalaya to continue.

A state without a state is a nation of people on their knees begging for mercy. Yet the people do nothing but maintain their silence.

Once the people have spoken -the democorrupt parties, Maoists and King will be swept aside in one powerful blow against the evils of the past.

But when will the people speak and who will lead them?

Silence is murder.

-Demos K

At 10:15 AM, July 08, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was told by my relatives that King's Birthday was "celebrated" with a bigger bang than it normally is. And then there is the Paras makeover.

Both events are exactly things that people like me who were "cautiously supportive" of the King dread!

(will continue ... )

At 1:49 PM, July 08, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

(continued …)

My support for the king is based on the premise that the thirteen years of democracy we had in Nepal was lacking guardrails that the King must place before handing the power back to the legitimate rulers.

Basically, the king deserves support until the Maoists are defeated and then he could take up to six months as a caretaker government, draft a new constitution, and hold elections.

But there have been many things that the KG could have done that I see lacking. First, the army certainly needs to show more professionalism. I understand the need to circumvent the constitution in some exceptional cases, but all Nepali citizens (including those who may be terrorists) deserve to be treated humanely. Secondly, it surprises me how KG has continued to surround himself with yes-men who it seems has only fed his ego. When Musharraf took the reins in Pakistan, brought in a dude who was working for Citigroup (if I am not mistaken) to take over as the Minister of Economy. Why is that not happening in Nepal?

At 1:50 PM, July 08, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogdai, are you stationed in Nepal or do you write from abroad?

At 6:54 PM, July 08, 2005, Blogger blogdai said...

Agree with you completely. Unprofessional is a good way to describe G's handling of things.

The takeover was necessary and seen as a good move by many but G has a real chance of blowing it by his treatment of the press and citizens. Does he not see that this only fuels world animosity towards his moves?

Plus, surrounding yourself with "yes men" from the Panchayat era, like Tulsi Giri, sends the worst signal possible to the people of Nepal. it says that G. has no original ideas or model for his takeover other than the Panchayat model. I do not believe this to be the real case, but, yes, G. should have thought of this ahead of time.

Good thoughts, Politicalkancha, looking forward to more.


At 4:56 AM, July 09, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ref: the kings mistakes...hey by the way did george bush take the blame for abu grahib?
ref :bad news rising...,000500020003.htm if this is even 1% true then this agony is going to drag on for years...
ref: the makeover...hey the guy is a gentleman..abso just keep the lut away

At 6:46 AM, July 09, 2005, Blogger blogdai said...

We would be lost in a sea of anti-Bush blogs had we not chosen the King and Paras a targets of our teasing.

STay away sounds intriguing. How about a "Para World Tour?" Let's start with Antarctica.


At 10:42 AM, July 09, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

some good p stories are there from his good old days before he became cp....the best one i heard is when he got beaten up by bouncers in a delhi 5 star hotel wonder he's running after china

At 2:16 PM, July 09, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had read the article regarding LTTE training Nepali Maoists a couple of days ago. I had treated the article with skepticism.

But the more I think about it, the more reasonable it seems. I mean, the Maoists have got to be getting some good training to have come so far.

[Not to forget that had King Birendra let Girija use the army seven years ago, they would have certainly not been this successful.]

At 8:13 PM, July 09, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wanted to direct your attention to the Failed State Index that was published in the July/August edition of Foreign Policy.

[blog dai, there's a better chart that was published in the magazine but not put up online, that i have scanned. i was hoping you could add it to your website. i need your email add if you'd like to do this.]

As you can see, Nepal is ranked 35th, below Pakistan, Bhutan, and Bangladesh.

At 3:14 PM, July 15, 2005, Blogger blogdai said...

It's interesting, but I often wonder at the objectivity of those who prepare such things as "failed state indexes."

By who's standards? Who selects the criteria by which a state is measured as a success or failure?

Is political chaos the bell-weather indicator? If so, was the U.S. a "failed state" during the civil war?

I'd be more inclined to follow such an index if it were labeled something like: "transitional state index."


At 1:23 PM, July 20, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh delight!!!

India would like Nepal's support for a permanent seat on the UN Security Council. It would seem now is a great time for Big G to ask India for its support against Maobadi. Don't you think?

You scratch my back and i will scratch yours?

At 4:03 PM, July 20, 2005, Blogger blogdai said...

You are a political animal anonymous!

What this shows me is a decided lack of seriousness on India's part towards the Nepal situation.

Saunter off and pretend nothing is wrong when you need some help from little brother, eh, India?

If one were inclined towards speculation, one could take this as a tacit admission of the validity of Nepal's new regime. Did India ask Koirala for support? Not a chance.

Turn the screws G. Absolutely. Arms-for-support blackmail. While your at it, get back your water and all of that encroached land on your southern border.


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