Nepal's Last Option
Blogdai is tired of trying to get you stirred-up, angry or whatever. Mulling around and debating obscure points means nothing in a debate-starved country like Nepal.
So, from the high-handed arrogance from Koirala that serves only to spur Prachanda onward, to the Maoist's recent call for a single communist party to run Nepal's "republic," time is expiring on Nepal's sovereignty. We are just about on the edge of losing it all, people.
Blogdai is tired of trying to get you stirred-up, angry or whatever. Mulling around and debating obscure points means nothing in a debate-starved country like Nepal.
So, from the high-handed arrogance from Koirala that serves only to spur Prachanda onward, to the Maoist's recent call for a single communist party to run Nepal's "republic," time is expiring on Nepal's sovereignty. We are just about on the edge of losing it all, people.
We are incapable of making decisions beyong those that affect out day-to-day needs. Politics is shunned in Nepal and people are apathetic and unmotivated towards National issues. In essence, Nepal is unfit to govern itself and unfit for the rigors of maintaining a democracy.
We need to be told what to do and when to do it.
The only question is: do we want to be told what to do by India as one of its satellite states, or do we have enought spine to self-determine our future? Do we care? If not, let's start calling ourselves "Nepal Pradesh" right now and forget the whole thing, shall we?
But, if there is a glimmer, a hope, of retaining Nepal's independence we must start NOW with building the foundations that lead to self-determination and independence. These are painful steps, but in the right hands-- newer hands than those we currently possess-- we can establish a new legacy of Nepali courage and democracy that will be worth maintaining and preserving.
There is no dialogue now. Was there ever? Nepal must be torn down to square one in order to rebuild it in an image that all can be proud of. Dialogue is a luxury reserved for those countries that have established the ability to honor dissent and respect the rules and balances established for the preservation of fairness and equanimity. Dialogue and debate improve the political process in such countries by leading politicians down the very democratic road towards compromise. Our politicians have never so much as given a hint as to their understanding of this concept.
Groups are all clamouring to be heard. The ivory autocratic tower that Koirala has constructed around his arrogance and self-interest has led the average citizen to believe that only through agitation, violence, and today from the Terai, incessant interruption and badgering of a Parliamentary session, will their needs be met and voices heard. Time to clean house.
1. Immediately begin military operations in the Terai to restore order and establish a government presence.
2. Immediately ban Maoism and use the army to enforce such a ban.
3. Ban protests, bandhs, and demonstrations until further notice.
4. Suspend all foreign aid until order is restored.
5. Invite world powers to send military advisors to assist with the process. (Not India!)
When will we learn that Nepal is not suffering the"growing pains" of a restored democracy; rather, the very splintering of it's national identity by self-interested factions and intolerant ideologues.
Definetly agree with you that WE badly need to restore law and order.
But your suggestions are a little iffy.
Firstly you can't ban Maoism. I think what you mean to say is to ban the current Maoist movement, disband the YCL etc. but you can't ban Maoism altogeather. You should clarify your position. It sounds a little ridiculous as it stands.
Why should Nepal ban foregin aid pro-actively?
You should also add: reform the NA into a more effective institution.
Bhudai Pundit
I do 'generally'agree with the tone of your article. You bring up a good point about having dialog at national level.
It seemed to me that post Gs takeover there was a sense of optimism that things would change. But all that evaporated when parties simply took over people consensus and shoved the 'democratic farce' down people's throat. There was no attempt to have a legit debate on why Nepal was all ready for a major 'democratic restructuring' that allowed such G episode in the first palce. Anyone who raised issues immediately got branded a royalist. The dialog ended there.
Regarding Maoists, who, at least in the begining, raised issues of social and political change, later turned into a killing machine while parties tussled for high political posts. Maoists, being the outsiders, grabbed the social development agenda and claimed it. Whoever tried to argue on their legitamacy and against their ways got branded 'regressive'. The dialog ended there.
Every attempt to have national debate has either turned into massacres, bandhs/strikes, walkouts and mass senseless rallies. It is as if the language of dialog is everything else but dialog itself.
Last week the Maoists blocked the parliament proceedings; today the Madhesi lawmakers are disrupting sessions. Shouldn't these morons be the ones to facilitate the process between groups like MPRF and the government instead of fighting against the government for their personal reasons?
EVERYBODY is blaming the government. The Maoists who ARE in government are blaming the government. The party leaders who are the faces of government are blaming the government. The House MPs who are the reprsentative of people IN government are blaming the government. And the list goes on.
Seems like 'passing the buck' is an art form we have mastered along all these years.
Perhaps law and order WITH accountability and responsibility should start form the top.
-another one free to blame the government
Blogdai- your last sentences speaks the truth. I whole heartedly agree with you. Sometimes you gotta do things that may be sour but in the overall interest of a country. That's what it is- after all. We cannot afford to make the mistake of King G- half hearted effort.
The country is like one unruly classroom without a headmaster and his cane. And we probably can assume what kind of product it will churn out if not corrected now. So in the better interest of this country hard choices with hard action MUST be taken. I have no second thoughts on this.
The question is how to do it. I have been posting the ways to do it and have gotten hits from Horiato. But basically we need to channel our effort as one, under one with good coordination. I would suggest to create a platform where we all can meet and strike cord to do something NOW. Just getting one email ID to start with will be enough now.
No more shall we hide under fear and seek anonymity but be forthright in our effort and goal of national unity, nationality, and democracy for all.
I agree with you blog dai. Why only the maoists, ban democracy from Nepal as well. These butthead NRNs living in the comfort of US of A will not see the direness of the situation here in Nepal. For them, Democracy comes before the nation and that only because talking about democracy and human rights makes them feel more intelligent. Forget about the reforms within the army, save the nation. I know a lot of self proclaimed patriots see democracy as the only salvation but i am sure they are not going to lose a night's sleep over the collapse of Nepal as a state. They write as if they work for the UN. Mr. pundit thinks, if the army is reformed we can even celebrate the war and not fear it. With the world's most sophistaced and well equiped army failing misearably, as far as their human right accords are concerned, in Iraq i am proud of the Nepal Army and what they have done for us as Nepalis. Show me one person who has done more than what the security forces have done for this country in the past 10 years and may be i will review my position. Yes, Nepal army is not the best in the world, but it is also an army of one of the world's poorest country. Do they need reforms? yes, but at the same time they have made us proud and they have saved thousands of lives.
Please visit
The pictures on this website tells us why we should not forgive these bastard terrorists.
Give it a rest buddy. Let's call a spade a spade - the RNA was getting its butt wipped. If not wipped then they certainly were not achieving any victories.
I want these Maoists gone as much as you do. If the RNA was that effective in the first place the Maoists wouldn't be where they are today. At least the next time we go after the Maoists we shouldn't have to face the same results.
I am not saying all this to champion some human rights agenda. But to effectively fight against the Maoists the army really did need to win the hearts and minds of villagers - which they didn't. So stop justifying failure and let's try to change things for the better. Is President Bush my any chance your role model Mr. B? Just curious.
Bhudai Pundit
We no longer have time to reform the army.
Don't fall prey to that most typical of nepali politician's practice: When a solution stares us in the face, we begin another obscure process to delay the inevitable.
We have no time to form a committee, investigate a group, put out a white paper, table a motion or reform the army. What, start what is potentially a decade-long process before we address our immediate maoist concerns?
The RNA was quite adequate against the Maoists, despite what you are preaching here. Yes, they are flawed and yes they are poorly trained. But when was the last time you saw a group of villagers beat up an RNA patrol?
Eventually, with enough pressure, the maoists will either have to come out and fight or be dissolved. Remember the last big fights? No, I'm not talking about a Maoist offensive led by human-sheild villagers against one RNA outpost. Phaphlu anyone? The maoists were wiped off the field that day. All it takes is for a couple of well placed hellicopter strikes and you will see no more mass maoist gatherings. Step one of the take-down. Once maoists strongholds are destroyed, the RNA can re-establish control one district at a time. Step two. Combine that with an active and voluntary village RNA recruitment drive--oh yes, with pay--and you will begin to finish the job.
I am not talking about making major strcutural changes.
The RNA was adequate you say? In all those years the RNA was not able to capture one important leader. Helicopter strikes? Well why the hell didn't they do that in Rolpa? The Maoists (during the years of the insurgency) had effective control over much of rural Nepal.
Anyway who is going to provide leadership to the RNA to carry out such an offensive? The monkey SPA?
Bhudai Pundit
We have already tried all your recommendation and it was a disaster. Gyane failed miserably in implementing it. The result was the Maoists ended up in the government.
These are just recycled material with new title.
1. Immediately begin military operations in the Terai to restore order and establish a government presence.
Tried military for 10 years. It failed miserably.
2. Immediately ban Maoism and use the army to enforce such a ban.
Tried it too. Failed miserably as well.
3. Ban protests, bandhs, and demonstrations until further notice.
Tried it too. What was the result?
4. Suspend all foreign aid until order is restored.
All the foreign countries cut the foreign aid.
5. Invite world powers to send military advisors to assist with the process. (Not India!)
We got military advisors from all over the world as consultants from S. Africa to UK. Did not work.
complaining little brats with nothing to offer...
Waa! Waa! We tried all those things blogdai and they didn't work..waa!
No you didn't you insipid infant. NONE of those recommendations have been done to any level of seriousness. All you've said is that its hopeless. Should we all give up now and learn to speak Hindi? Waa! Stupid weak-minded idiot. I'm telling you what Nepal needs to do NOW and your telling me it doesn't matter and that we shouldn't even try? Get off this blog and get out of Nepal and stay out you defeatist fool.
Bhudai quit your stupid bickering as well. The RNA is fine. It was the King's leadership and failure to properly deploy the RNA that kept the maoists in the game. Helo's? we have a couple of Indian Cheetah's blogdai thinks. Crap buckets if you as me. Remember back in the year 2000, I believe, when the Yanks were ready to sell us 10, count em', ten new blackhawks with crews and maintenance? girija and parliament nixed the deal because they couldn't get sufficiently rich off of the American offer. corruption won out. And now we have inferior Indian models and less of them.
And where is that article from last year where the RNA finally got it right and blew the shit out of a Maoist implacement with one helicopter gunship? I remember the headlines centered around the Maoists calling the whole thing a human rights disaster and patently unfair. That's a good one.
The idea is in front of your faces. Get the guns out in the field and restore law and order, period. Stop whining around the issue by arguing technical obscurities about the RNA as if it were the primary issue itself. Let the boys go under proper leadership and finish the job. Better yet, let them do it themselves. Military coup anyone?
Stop it. Stop this ridiculous fear of facing the issue directly. Stop talking about how Nepal CAN'T do this or that because something is wrong. It will never be perfect enough for you little street chickens to stop cackling about it; but the time to DO something is NOW. Regardless of our perceptions and fears. You'll second-guess all of us right into failed-statehood.
Agreed that law and order needs to be restored, but who do you think is going to do this? The current government is so darn busy fighting amongst themselves; the "fierce one" seems to be much too occupied driving around in a stolen car and generally living the life of the neophyte politico in KTM that the situation, although very dire, is nowhere on the agenda of things that need to be done.
As far as the army is concerned, they've taken a huge hit to their morale - I am not saying that they are free of abuses against civilians in the past, but, come on, knowing that the same terrorists who gleefully slaughtered military and police now occupy seats in parliament and hold direct control over them can't be easy to process.
As far as Goit and the rest of the armed factions led by blood thirty idelogues is concerned, none of what they are "fighting" for is going to remain in place when they get the power base they seek - we saw it with the Maoists and we'll see it again.
As for the general populace, given that each and every government since 1990,including KG's "come back kid' stint, has consistently made fools of the people, you can't hold them at fault for being hoplessly apathetic to issues of Nationalism and Politics in general - what have they got to loose?..daily subsistence now is much worse than it ever was - having a deep sense of conviction on the goodness and prospect of better economic times down the road is not going to ease immediate hunger/need for monetary resources.
The people of Nepal and the NRN's abroad who were falling over themselves to welcome the last "People's Uprising" will hopefully wake up in time to stop the "Skimmization" of Nepal!
A bleak prospect I know..but..I really don't see a more positive ending.
Anonymous at 12:02 is right - Of course it's not what you want to hear, but these options have been tried....and failed.
I perfectly understand you wanting to rile the masses and get them to do is a military coup at this point going to help? If anything, the bickering and feuding maoists will unite over the threat of lost plump governemnt positions and bungalows that go with it and another blood bath will ensue.
There are other options - unfortunately, they all require political will which not one single idiot in government seems to posses...and don't even get me started on the bunch of idiots that make up the uncivil "civil society" - Pahadi, Pandey and gang are so busy drinking from the trough of foreign aid pouring into the country for "Peace Process" "Democracy Building" etc they have enough to provide for several of their generations while Nepal and her people grasp for straws!!
- K
So what is the consensus here? Are we or are we not going to slay the Maoists? Or are we just shouting at the 'spoiled old brats' because they disagree with you?
The whole shananigan boils down to this:
>> Let the boys go under proper leadership and finish the job. Better yet, let them do it themselves. Military coup anyone?
Yes finally somebody said it. Military coup! But you need balls - of steel - to pull a stunt like that. You need loyalty within the organization to pull something like that. You need to put your entire comfy military career and perhaps your life on line to pull something like that.
But the army brass are equally comfortable in their state and drunk in their arrogance - if not more than Girija himself. Try a RNA mama for change in your family. These idiots got there without fighting a single war. Years of sitting on their fat asses with government allowance and Dashain khasi - licking their chops while lower rung cadets are sent elsewhere to fight someone else's war. No shit they couldn't even take out a feeble, undernourished Nepali peasant outfit.
"any common student of military science would know, the victory or defeat of a particular army ultimately depends more on its social class base and the political goal" - Baburam Bhattarai
...And you wonder why shit didn't work!
-take a free potshot now
Nice short-sighted try, anon K. You can't just arbitrarily say that "these options have been tried.." without some back-up. Don't fall victim to a simpleton's sound bite. Take a breath and ask yourself:
-When did we act militarily in the Terai?
-When did we ever ban Maoism? On the contrary, a Maoist credential seems to be celebrated by giving up the keys to government.
-g. tried ineffectively to ban protests, but again, his lack of strong enforcement screwed things up. Their has never been a bandh ban. Just saying there should be doesn't count as we saw a few months ago. Protests are championed by girija himself and are the only form of governmental action available to us in Nepal.
-Military advisors in a military capacity. Not the U.S army rangers giving a seminar on first aid and survival. Military advisors means foreign forces landing in nepal and taking a tactical assessment for future action if necessary.
-We've tried a ban foreign aid? Are you serious? the aid till represents some 40 plus percent of the Nepal GNP and has never, repeat, NEVER been suspended. The Swiss and Danish may have suspended a project or two in protest for this or that but aid is big business and the source of all government corruption and greed.
And where do those "plump" government positions that you speak of come from? The largess of foreign aid, that's where. We need to cut the stuff off if we ever want a glimmer of hope that a politician will not be tempted and act like a public servant.
It's a familiar and sad pattern: people like anonymous 12:02 make broad-based, unresearched and half-cocked assumptions look nice and tidy in a posting, and immediately some of you jump up and agree for no other reason than the postings "seems well put together."
Old Tibetan proverb: A wise man reasons out the truth for himself; a fool follows the reports of others. (I hope they don't mean blogdai's reports, however)
If you don't care enough about the events and facts surrounding Nepali issues enough to view them with a critical eye, then you don't deserve a country like Nepal to call your own.
Yep free, all the apples in Nepal's barrel are rotten: government, royal and army.
But in such a scenario it comes down to a simple fact: Who has the most guns and who's willing to use them?
Perhaps if our fat cats in the RNA see an end to their fat existences if the Maoists come to power, then they will act. They've already strongly opposed integration of Maoists forces into the RNA, so perhaps there's some spine left in them after all.
Perhaps again,if they see a future of increased lazy fatness for themselves at the end of a successful military coup, then they will act.
Perhaps still, the simple act of going out in the field on a recruiting drive and offering security and pay to those same poor villagers that the Maoists want to forcibly conscript, then we can dilute the personnel pool that maoists draw from. Dr. marks was all in favor of arming local militias for their own self defense, why can't the RNA facilitate this? Dilute, divide and conquer.
Perhaps. But still such 'will' is a virtue that only few possess in Nepal. And still fewer possess the capacity to act on it.
On a slightly different note now.
I think the blurry line between the polarized parties are becoming clearer now. 'The elf' known as Madhav Nepal is dancing to Maoists tune by proposing to rally the country under one communist flag. This idiot gets played by Girija, G, Prachanda and everybody alike. And still he doesn't learn.
In any case, if the communists of Nepal were to unite then that would make any military operation impossible.
Girija rolled out a red carpet to Maoists to heal; idiot Nepal (MK) is selling himself out put Maoists at the helm.
Look at the fun.
Mr. Pundit,
The NA did produce evidence of Maoists being supported by the Indian Government. However, the International community chose denial instead of action. This is the reason the maoists are where they are today. Mr. Khum Bdr. Khadka was supplying the maoists weapons for money, that is why the maoists are where they are today. The seven parties were on the side of the terrorists instead of the army that were giving their lives away for our security, that is why the maoists are where they are today. I agree with you, they are not the best army in the world and Mr. Bush is certainly not my role model not. Instead quite on the contrary. But Bush is not leading the war and the army, i am sure, do not ask Mr. bush if they can abuse human rights in Iraq. I dont know where you get this from? An army is an institution and their actions are not always commanded by the prime minister or the president. But tell, who has made more sacrifices for this country more than the security forces. I am not saying we should ignore their weakness but at least recognize their sacrifices. At least the NA should not be put at par with the maoists.
I am talking about an absolute disregard for international law. Ignore the Indians, the americans, the britons and so on. Just forget the internation community even exists and do what is in the interest of this country. If terrorists need killing, kill them. If some innocent people loose their lives in the process, ignore the calls from UN and international community to do anything. The UN has also proven to be as incompetent, corrupt and biased as our spa leaders. I am not talking about a take over and doing politics but instead an army take over but they should not do any politics. If they need to imprision all leaders, so be it. If they need to shoot all leaders so be it. But i am sure the maoist cadres are already frustrated and disaapointed with their leaders and they will make one final attempt at the power grab pretty soon.
Someone please inform blogdai that this isn't a Rambo movie or a video game. If only it were that simple: let the RNA take over, kill all the Maoists and return Nepal to normalcy.
Blogdai you are an idiot of a human being. Your ideas are fine for a quick rant at a blog but beyond that it's just worthless as Prachanda's rethoric.
"It was the King's leadership and failure to properly deploy the RNA that kept the maoists in the game."
What the fcuk are you talking about? The king didn't deploy the RNA? What? Okay what about all the years before the King took over?
It's not as if the King was sitting down with military commanders so why are you saying the RNA incompetancy lies in the King's inability to act as a effective military commander.
That's where you are DEAD wrong. The RNA isn't fine. Who says it's fine?
Bhudai Pundit
RNA is not fine. But we dont have three years spare to train them on human rights and how to help fellow villagers before they venture out to save this country. The RNA is not fine. The Insititution of Monarchy is not fine. The democracy is not fine. The spa is not fine. the maoist is not fine. the parliament is not fine. the leaders are not fine. The water department is not fine. the road department is not fine. the education department is not fine. The health department is not fine. The media in nepal is not fine. the foreign policy is not fine. The list goes on Mr. Pundit. And of course, the Rna is not fine like all the other institutions in this country. If you need some one to make the worst decision possible choose a Nepali i say. I really dont understand how RNA can be reformed with the same corrupt and inefficient leaders or with no other institution functioning at all in this country.
All the riff-raffs boils down to nothing- just little mental masturbation, really. As B has said visit and get recharged to fight back with vengance.
I wish something drastic happens before its too late. For all the defects, RNA is still a best option that there is.
There's a lot of comments above on the RNA - and yes, it is RNA and not NA! Today's army in Nepal is not that of Amar Singh Thapa or Bal Bhadra of Kalapani fame. It has succumbed to endemic corruption, especially at the higher levels. If we are to believe that the Maoists possessed only those 3,000 weapons submitted for cantonment, is it not surprising that an army of 80,000 could not decisively defeat the Maoists? The army's traditional loyalty to the monarchy, especially under the current COAS, should be a point of confidence, if the corruption is curtailed and Maoist moles contained. The RNA and the monarchy are the only hope to preserve Nepali sovereignty. A military take-over? Well, it has happened recently in Thailand and Bangladesh is moving along that road. Similar action by the RNA will forfeit peace. However if, as was done by the Peruvian army to its Shining Path communists, the Maoists can be speedily decimated, peace and subsequently democracy can be restored.
I have no faith on a 80,000 corrupt army equipped with M-16, helicopter gunships, and Minimi machine guns that cannot defeat 10,000 strong 303 wielding army of 15 year olds.
That is the bottomline. They tried the military solution, banning maoist party, banning media, bandhs, protest, etc before. If it did not work earlier, I have no reason to believe that it will work this time since nothing has changed.
I think the key to winning the military war is having a better intelligence and not more advanced helicopters. NA will not have a better intelligence unless if it convinces the rural population that NA is on it's side. With the royal label tagged to it, this is a formidable task in an increasingly anti royal rural Nepal.
If winning the war was as easy as buying ten blackhawks, govt would have done it a long time. It is a small cost for Govt, donors compared to years of insurgency and uncertainty. If it was that easy, may be I would have even dropped a few dollars to buy the helicopters.
In this day and age, in a country like our own, to carryout a military coup, one needs balls of steel (as someone already said), BUT it is imminently doable. if done with good homework and after planning. Look at Bangladesh people are so happy with the outcome.
Foreign powers - they would object a non elected power taking over - but hey what do we have now? A non elected, non representative crooks sucking money from the coffers. So ..? Replacing a non elected with another non elected is just fine. They have no basis for complain.
The question is - are the top brass of the RNA patriotic enough to think of the country first (oh my God, how naive I am!) or they are they in it just for their सन्चय कोष?
(BD: I must be hallucinating, please discard all earlier ones)
In this day and age, in a country like our own, to carryout a military coup, one needs balls of steel (as someone already said), BUT it is imminently doable. if done with good homework and after planning. Look at Bangladesh !
Foreign powers - they would object a non elected power taking over - but hey what do we have now? A non elected, non representative crooks sucking money from the coffers. So ..? Replacing a non elected with another non elected is just fine. They have no basis for complain.
The question is - are the top brass of the RNA patriotic enough to think of the country first (oh my God, how naive I am!) or are they in it just for their सन्चय कोष?
Sorry, this is off-topic, but a Nepali, Buddhi Lal Dhimal, set himself on fire when he learned of his imminent deportation. Of course, the story is much more complicated and sad. It fucked up my day good, as it should.
don't compare Bangladesh's military with our own - bad comparison!
1.Bangladesh's military is a very well disicplied, well trained and efficient.
2. the people revere, respect and fear the military.
3. they have experience in coups and running the govt. plus the military leaders have political acumen and will.
unfornuetly the NA has none of these qualities. like ANON mentioned the KEY to winning this war is effective intelligence gathering. the NA as they are now are run by incompetant idiots who are there because of their surname as opposed to field experience. plus the NA soldiers are just a bunch of lazy men who joined the army for the free khasi and other perks.
fcuking blogdai comes in and makes everything sound like a cheap western movie.
Bhudai Pundit
Of course Mr. Pundit, The thai king is an angel. The bangladesh army are a bunch of angels and they are not corrupt at all. Like i said earlier, we are the worst example Mr. Pundit can think of in this entire universe. We can not compare any of our institutions to any other countrys'.
B please continue to post more comments and rub it in our face just how ignorant you really are. Unlike our army most other armies require merit as a basis of promotion not surname. I never said the Thai King was an angle dimwit - where did I say that?
I don't know how familiar you are with Bangladesh but their military as an institution is actually pretty competant plus they have a heck of alot more experience in the political relem. But what's the point in debating with you? You just make up your own sh*t, arguments and put words in my mouth and ramble on on a tangent.
Just save it for the mirror.
Bhudai Pundit
Let’s talk some reality. I am getting a little tired of this fantasy, unrealistic, boorish hogwash. A military coup is unlikely. I would like nothing more than to chase these Maoist bastards into the jungle but that’s just not likely to happen. If there is a resumption of military action it will have to come from the political establishment.
because there is no one else who can initiate such a confrontation.
The RNA doesn’t have the balls or the brain. The king, is far too traumatized. You can see from his latest loktantra day message how much he has changed his rhetoric. So basically it seems like we are screwed unless the SPA sons of bitches do something.
I am not happy about the fact that we have to rely on the SPA but that’s what we got.
Does someone else have an alternative solution/outlook. I would love to hear it!
Bhudai Pundit
Mr. Pundit, I have agreed that the NA is not as competent as it should be. But we do not have time to train them for a few years and then deploy them. As far as SPA is concerned, i will support any one but SPA. Supporting SPA would be like pulling the plug. We know they were never competent enuff, they are not competent enuff and they will never be competent enuff. We would wait another 15 years for gpk to die and then we will have ram chandra poudel as the young new generation leader or may be Makune. And even when they are gone the list is alread in place. There is not going to be a new face in our politics untill someone comes along and shoot all these bastards of top leaders. I am putting words into your mouth pundit. But yes, you do say that the bangladesh army or the thai king is better than ours. But i also believe a lot of that is media too. Had media focused all its attention how the bangladeshi army is destroying the democratic instituion of that country or had journalists been searching for the government's weaknesses or had inida said that they didn't approve the new development, I am sure it would have looked a lot different. Now one likes military rule Mr. pundit no matter how efficient they are. But yes, people may hate their democratic leaders which would lead people like you to believe that the army in fact is a popular political force. So, we need to realize the distinction. Had India been on the same boat as the Nepali King, i am sure the media would have been singing a different tune and we would have been praising the king for his effort to eliminate terrorism from south asia. India and US would havae enhanced their military support and media would be reporting on how this brave king from the only hindu kingdom in the world stood up and took the resposibility of saving his country from the brink of collapse. Kantipur would have continued to criticize the government but not on such a personal level. I am not saying this was the only thing that went wrong and i agree even without the internatinal community's aid, it was king's incompetence that led to his downfall. However, the picture would have been so much different had the photographers been on King's side.
bhudai, I am tired of your goddam wimpy ass sniping and pot shots. You have all kinds of opinions about what is wrong and not proactive ideas on moving forward.
You are the architypal Nepali who thinks he has an opinion about politics and current events. Half educated in half ideas.
SPA is the best YOU can do because you are bereft of ideas and can't see one centimeter past your own biases.
We need to move forward and now. We've seen SPA fuck up nepal long enough, you loser. We need fresh movement and a new start.
Forget your pissy arguments about the RNA this or that. Meaningless tripe. The RNA has guns and organization. Like it or not that is what we have and that is what we need to defeat Maoism and keep Nepal sovereign. God i sometimes think you work for Indian counter-intelligence or something the way you go off on these stupid tangenital thoughts. Misdirect and keep everyone confused, it seems.
Well, I'll let your little snipes at blogdai and others stand for now, but you are blocked (again) until your usual cycle of debate comes around to some sanity.
Maybe for you SPA is the only viable hope but for me spa is only a means to postpone our slow and painful death. Maybe it is the intellegent way, to support the spa and pretend that they are the representative of the people and maybe i am ignorant to think that spa can be of no hope but i am comfortable with being ignorant. Nepal as a nation is as desperate as the maoist army. Like the maoist army will eventually make thier last attempt at power grab when their frustration boils over against their top leaders, the army is in the similar situation. The difference between you and me is that you think GPK is the only leader that can lead nepal out of this, where i believe that anyone is better than GPK. GPK has brought this country down to her knees. He gave birth to maoism in Nepal. He is partly responsible for the death of more than 20thousand nepali people. And you think he is the only viable solution! Well, i believe that this bastard GPK should be dragged out on to the street and should be stonned to death and if you think he is the democratic choice we have to stick with without an election being held for past ten years, FCUK you. about solution to the crisis. Yes B, there is difference between B Pundit and, well, just B. Pundit may circle the periphery of his own thoughts, ideas and opinions but you certainly seem to reject every possible application of such.
Dragging and stoning is actually very well accepted in Nepal these days. Maoists did it then and MPRF is doing it now. All we need now are blog warriors like youself to follow the tradition. Certainly the pent-up anger you talk about is quite visible in your own post. Looks like blogdai's column did mange to raise some rokus in you afterall.
Pundit speaketh the truth. SPA in invincible. (until RNA gathers guts and gets off its fat ass to take what is theirs - the whole damn country dog!)
...Till then shall Girija reign.
"Civil society leaders question NA salute to King Gyanendra" - Nepalnews
I don't know about you but that headline totally amused me. Look at the priorities of Civil Society. Not satisfied with sit-ins on every puny issue, these morons are focusing on the least powerful man in Nepal and watching his every move.
Here's my list of bans:
Ban YCL, ban red communist flags altogether, ban communist ideologies altogether, ban Civil Society, ban bandhs and strikes, and ban anyone or any groups who defy bans or create their own bans.
Thank you freeandfair,
Yes you talk of the right way, the civilized way, unlike people like me who would talk about drag the corrupt and inefficient leaders out on the street and stone them to death. My ideas, may be, are similar to that of the maoists, the mprf or whatever other uncivilized Nepali institution or organization you may have in mind. If you thought i was talking about literally dragging the SOB GPK out on the street, i am prachanda himself.
As far as SPA being invincible is concerned, they are dead already. Whichever way you look at it. Pretty soon there will be no Nepal to speak of. But, it will be the people who will pay the price and you will still be bloging on some cyber world, fighting for the right of Nepali people. Posting comments in blogsites like these about the virtues of western civilization and democracy however pretensious they may be.
"Dragging and stoning is actually very well accepted in Nepal these days"
When did this happen? And what was your beloved invincible SPA, the representatvies of the people, doing then? What was the SPA doing when the moaists marched outside your boundary of what is right and what is the SPA doing when the MPRF is doing the same now? You contradict yourself Ms. Freeandfair. Or are you among the ones who says that the royal conspiracy is behind the maoist atrocities, the Mprf, the incompetencies and corruption of the SPA? And because of these same reasons my friend, your SPA is now dead but the concern is whether our nation will come out of this alive!
Well done SPA, keep up the good work.
Well Mr. B,
Do not worry about this Mr. Freeandfair. What can you say about someone who feels the need to call himself freeandfair. The name itself tells so much about this guy's personality.
As far as bhudai is concerned, he should appy for a position in the UN, where he will be able to talk about all the right things. He can share his views about what makes a good society and a god democracy and how long any country should wait. He can also be their military reform advisor. Has bhudai ever given us an idea? NO! Does he think there is anyone competent in Nepal? NO! Does he believe that the SPA would eventually destroy Nepal? YES! and he still thinks the SPA should be in power. He is a broken record and the reason his comments are short is because he has nothing new to add except when he debates with words like, moron, idiot, i am right you are wrong.
Look Mr. Pundit,
I have no problems with your views as well. I also agree with you that the NA need reform and do not look capable enuff to run the country. But my problem with you is that, you do not understand the frustrations people are living with here. Yes, SPA might sound like a right choise but do you realize what is at stake here? If the SPA fail, the country fails. How do you see SPA succeeding in this attempt at bringing the maoists into the mainstream? And i sincerely believe that the SPA is incapable of working in the intrest of this nation and hence anything or anyone but SPA will do for me. I just dont think that people in Nepal can afford to be as patient with our future as you seem to be. What you call an unrealistic rambo style fantasy might become a reality (its success in another matter) if things are not addressed effectively.
My comments are long and most of the time to yes, it is to express frustration at words like, viable, sustainable, logical etc that you throw at us. And you do not actually have to read it if you find it boring as you dont get any points for doing so.
It is also hard to argue with you because there is no one you support and since all institutions in this nation are incompetent, it is hard to prove otherwise. You hate SPA, Maoists, King, NA, PLA, Civil Society and so on. So, what is your point? that nepal is incapable of being an independent state?
I don't understand why do you people give importance to losers like Bhudey? Forget him and move ahead. He is the online incarnation of SPAM warlords. They will NEVER accept their faults. This bhudey picks up a fight with everyone on every blog. Move on and concentrate on warlords.
Back on message:
Restoring order is the most fundamental first step towards the most fundamental first tenet of democracy: Self determination.
Does it have to be a military solution? Usually no, but those who would impose their will on Nepal seem to respond to no other form of discourse.
Government has not waivered in its incompetence for the last decade; turning a deaf ear to the needs of Nepalis. Maoists have not waivered in their quest for an absolutist, unilateral rule under communism or whatever those idiots interperet as such.
What about us? You want a grand plan that you can pick apart endlessly and tell blogdai why it won't work? Well, here it is: Overturn the average Nepali's defeatist attitude and apathy towards national issues and you get rid of Maoists. Method one: any of you cowards can start speaking strongly, on the streets against Maoists. Any of you can publish pamphlets and post bills denouncing the current regime. Have you? Stand up to bullies with a little courage. These same small steps have started national debates and popular movements in other cultures, why are we so afraid to speak out, to challenge? You can do quite a bit of damage without Maoist cadres finding out who you are and where you live, so get to it.
Do we even care?
Although I hate to pry, are you in Nepal? Or are you, as I suspect, like some on this blog, in U.S or other such place?
Yes, revolutions have begun and become successful through guerilla movements; however, let's not forget that the people who made that happen believed passionately in the proffered alternative - what is the alternative here?
I know you think that the army is capable of stepping in guns blazing to restore law and order, and that may well be - peace and order through the barrel of the gun may be the easiest battle of all, but what of the development that needs to take place? You honestly believe that the fattened Gar sa'ab's and kar'sa'ab's that make up the leadership of the army have even an inkling on the issue?
I don't claim to have an option - the country is in dire situation, but since you took the step of berating people into action - I'm sure you have a better alternative than the army.
Damn. The people who are against Army taking over don't even know that Army doesn't use the guns in it's rule. The threat of the Army makes every one follow the rules. Neither in Thailand, nor in Bangladesh has the Army used any guns during it's rule. RNA is a civilized army used by knows how to deal with the situation.
The best is for the Army to take over. Put all the hooligans inside jail, ban all foreign aid, ban all foreigners inside Nepal who talk too much, foreigners on tourist visa should travel and if they do anything more...just deport them, give strict instruction to the Ambassadors to do what they are supposed to do in Nepal and nothing more, shut down the office of UN (Jordan recently did it for 1 month following the Iraqi refugee crisis), only Nepali nationals can report as media men, ban all the newspapers like Kantipur, Himalayan which are known to be Indian mouthpiece, ban all the blog sites and regulate internet vigorously, ban a gathering of more than 5 people in public place, anyone carrying gun should be inside jail, anyone speaking against army should be inside jail, all leaders should follow what army says or get out of country (just like Bangladesh and Thai army has done), appoint a group of people who are good at handling media relations, have it's own OFFICIAL news release on TV and RADIO and PAPERS so that all bull and craps and rumours are done away it ...
And then tell everyone to do their business freely, peacefully,
Let the Army govern and let the people enjoy peace and prosperity.
"Method one: any of you cowards can start speaking strongly, on the streets against Maoists. Any of you can publish pamphlets and post bills denouncing the current regime. Have you? Stand up to bullies with a little courage."
How about revealing your real identity Blgodai for a start.
It sure is easy to preach sitting anonmously behind your PC or Mac.
Things can be done without revealing the identity. We don't have guns like the SPAM warlords do. And everyone knows how badly the SPAM warlords kill anyone who speaks against them.
Annon (11:00) you are a hypocrite. You don't even give your pseudo name in this blog and you have the audacity ask BD to reveal his identity. Give me a freaking break!
Method one: any of you cowards can start speaking strongly, on the streets against Maoists. Any of you can publish pamphlets and post bills denouncing the current regime. Have you? Stand up to bullies with a little courage. These same small steps have started national debates and popular movements in other cultures, why are we so afraid to speak out, to challenge? You can do quite a bit of damage without Maoist cadres finding out who you are and where you live, so get to it.
you fcuking dick--blog dai, a shill for a military industrial. yeah! yeah! dream on someday all your 'nata kutumb' in army would take over.
it's useless even to debate on issues with such a blind fcuk!
Muneer Yadav,
SO, what if SPA Fail? A maoist take over is fine by you? An indian army take over just so that BD's natas and kutumb dont come to power? What are you saying, an army take over in intolerable even when army needs to do so? Please also take in mind, that the army will not take over unless they can absolutely justify their action it is not like, the COAS wakes up one morning and says we should take over today.
Yes I agree with B for a change.
Mainstreaming the Maoists seems like a futile task. Seeing the rise and the behavior of groups like the YCL you can't completly ignore the possibility of a military confrontation. This is not the same as a military coup however. We have established that the NA is simply incapable of initiating a military coup. The King has lost all credibility and today he sits in Narayanhiti like a lame duck. Realistically the resumption of a military conflict can only be initiated by the SPA.
Does anyone else have a better/ more realistic alternative suggestion?
Bhudai Pundit
Mr. B: To B or not to B,
So, what if SPA fail?
Why on earth every social/political movement has to succeed? Every society grapples, stumbles and falls during the process of its evolution, so does ours. There is no short cut to stable pluralistic governance. What it is, what it is, just by you wishing it otherwise, it’s not going to go away. I see your point and your frustration, while you are at the mist of it (physically), you might want it fixed right away. But where were you while rural Nepal was in agony, while you were at the convenience of amenities of the city? Just because, now the war is at your door, you want it fixed right away AND your way. I have read your half ass argument earlier somewhere berating ex-pats of pretension. With same argument, my dear friend, you were pretending to be blind while living few hundred miles off from the plight of rural Nepal and thinking everything was fine.
A maoist take over is fine by you?
As I said, it’s all about social evolution, if that’s the part of the process, so be it. Some gets extinct, some gets mutated, some become better breed. Every gold has to go through the fire to prove its worth, may be Maoism is ours.
? An indian army take over just so that BD's natas and kutumb dont come to power?
What kind of argument is this? When you lose your freedom, what does it matter who takes it away—kale, bhair or khaire? Shackle is a shackle, be it of gold or rusted iron. And stop that fear mongering—Indian arm forces taking over Nepal. Why would they want to do that? They just need to shut the borders, and BLOGDAI would be cooking his meals with his tables and chairs (that is: if he is not a pretentious ex-pat shouting from some foren land.)
What are you saying, an army take over in intolerable even when army needs to do so?
Well, idea of freedom and liberty are subjective. If you are ready to trade them off with political stability, that’s fine.
Please also take in mind, that the army will not take over unless they can absolutely justify their action…
Huh!!!???? Now, what makes you their (army) spoke person? You talk as if you are in inner caucus of army brass. Please feed us more…..
Suggestion: stop whining that ex-pats are full of intellectual shit, good for nothing pretentious bastards, while you take a brunt of all that circus in Nepal you have more say in the matter. We make small contribution in our own ways-- REMITTANCE, now run to your dictionary and check the meaning of the word, after that run to the Ministry of Labor and see the fiscal chart on how big/small is that CONTRIBUTION.
Sitting on fence and sermons galore is thing of the past. Its also not trying to reinvent the wheel. Its a simple case of right and wrong. If we think SPAM is wrong then say it and work against it by any means possible but not be over analytical to a point where the central issue is buried in mumbo jumbo of spats to show who is more in-tuned or "educated."
Time is to dirty our hands not masturbate ideas upon ideas with options and more options. Heck- you see wrong, you correct it. If you analyze too much even bad things start giving you sense of right. This is a big mistake and it is evident in the comments I have seen- justifying, validating, and defending may be not on whole but in tit bits.
As for Bhudai- for him sitting on fence is an art and grass is always greener on other side. The bottom-line is SPAM is a poison to this nation and unless we make an effort to run it ground, it will run us along with country to the ground. The simple truth is this and what are we gonna do about it?
Lets not reach a point where only thing we would have is spats and analysis (records) to impress that we were once a nation.
Muneer Yadav and Bhudey are the people who would provide all kinds of arguments in order to justify that SPAM warlords are the only alternative and everything else is a failure. Whereas we have already seen in last 1 year what SPAM is capable of. It has done everything to ignite violence and divide country.
He says where we when the rural side was burning. Well, we were not in the government. SPAM was in the government back then too and it was their responsibility.
He says, why are we crying now when SPAM is at our and threatening to kill us. Well, it's called SELF DEFENCE.
Why do these half twit brains come here?
Hey people people with no brains come here I see nothing wrong with people with half a brain making comments.
Bhudai Pundit
Must have really hit a nerve with my last post, ha!
You know that a credible realistic idea has hit the table here when people go ballistic and the venom flies. Nothing a nepali hates more than to see a realistic solution that involves action and courage show up in front of their faces.
Witness Yadav's meltdown above. I can hear it now: "How dare blogdai ask us to do something that involves thinking beyond ourselves?"
Witness again how the debate immediately and passionately took off in three or four different directions. Such focus! Yep, must have hit the nail on the head because you are all buzzing around trying to sound like you don't want to be held responsible for someithing. Such courage!
Listen, a little individual activism like blogdai mentions above can yeild big results. The little methods are tried and true--it just takes a little spine to get them started.
Here's an easier one: One of you, all of you, any of you copy the following and e-mail it to Kantipur, Mercantile and the rest:
"We the active citizens of Nepal have no confidence in government and will not support their attempts at leadership. Furthermore, we will no longer listen to Maoist dictates nor tolerated their acts of brutality."
Go ahead, send it off and see what you get. Sign any name.
Ha, I can hear it now: "no, no, no blogdai this won't work. this involves taking an actual STAND. What we need is more unfocused discussion about unrelated issues, that'll solve the problem."
So let's hear it. Tell me why none of this will work.
"A coward's venom stings like an onslaught of feathers." --Earl Farnsworth.
Mr. Yadav,
I never said the expat nepalis do not make any contributions to our economy, and remmittance may be something you are proud of and you have the right to be. We pay taxes too.
If you would rather be an Indian than our government taken over by N army, i have nothing to say. For you, you will be sending your remmittance to India instead of Nepal and that might be the only change in your lifestyle.
If spa fails, it wont be like any government of any country failing but in our case it would mean the whole country will fail.
I never expected the maoist problem to be solved straight away. Infact, i was among those who always insisted that the coalition of the SPA and M will spell disaster for Nepal. I guess, that is where SPA sold Nepali people out and put the existance of Nepal itself at risk. I guess, you are ready to pay that price for freedom, specially when it is not you who will have to pay.
"With same argument, my dear friend, you were pretending to be blind while living few hundred miles off from the plight of rural Nepal and thinking everything was fine."
Oh yadav, you know so much about me already. Are you single?
And yes, the people living in Nepal have more say in matters concerning Nepal. And thank you very much for remmittance. People living in nepal have more say because they have to live with whatever happens here. It is only natural yadav. But this was not even what i was talking about, i was simply trying to emphasise that nepali expats can afford to be objective while people in Nepal can not avoid being subjective as Nepali politics affect their every day life. Yes, the expats can keep blogging and contribute in the form of remmittance.
And yadav,
"To B or not to B"
very creative. very creative indeed.
1) Comment towards Bloggossip corner: You run around giving open challenges to people by bringing them down with your weird logics. You yourself put on a comment and then delete it...and then you ask the Blog owner not to delete your comment.
You can write what you want in your blog (which I have never visited and don't plan to in the near future)...but you need not tell what others need to do in the blog specially with your nonchalant comments. Grow up before you grow old like others.
2) Now people like BG can grow up and grow brains too. He says Blogdai shouldn't run after dollars because Blogdai is asking Nepal to resist foreign aid.
First, what and where is the the proof that blogdai is running after money.
Second, assuming that Blogdai is running after can you relate Blogdai running after dollars to the fact that Nepal is being ruined by foreign aid. Do you have any proof that Blogdai is getting benefitted from Foreign Aid money? Aid is a bane but hard earned money is the game. So STFU and blabber logics or STFU again.
3) Now towards People saying that Army is not the viable option. The only one saying this would be SPAM warlords or their cadres and comrades. We know how unsecure the SPAMmers and their supporters feel when the power and money goes out of their hands. The others would be more than glad to accept Army. Things are miserable now (and let's go into describing the situation)...I doubt things can get any miserable than this. Army can only make it better.
When India imposed Emergency in 1970s things were a million times better there. How about Bangladesh or Thailand or Fiji? All better situations compared to present day Nepal yet the Prsident (tike president in India)/Army struck there.
I say Go RNA!!!!!
What you little kiddies do not seem to get, yes especially you Blogdai, is that your precious RNA is nothing more than a paper tiger. And yet you seem to want to place all you eggs on their hands. RNA has never, repeat NEVER had to fight a real enemy - except for the maoists and that they fabulously managed to bungle up. You seem to think that the RNA is the Isreali army, which it is not. All that they've done, ever since the fifties, is get these cushy UN postings, where all they do is molest fourteen year olds.
Take a look at Umesh's Mysansar. A good job the maoists have done with their propoganda machine. A slick product with their naach gaan toli. And they've succeeded to give some sense of purpose to all directionless youth.
Yes, Nepali's are stupid, no more so than you and your ilk, who are the stupidest of all. When are you going to get your heads out of your asses and realize that Maoism in Nepal is not a law and order problem, it's a sociological problem. Even if your precious RNA manages to massacre half of Nepal and kill every one of the "SPAM", you will find your sons and grandsons fighting this war all over again in ten years. So stop your fcuking preaching and pipe down for a while!
Paper tigers are what we have in Nepal. A thousand paper tiger Maoist cells operating individually and occasionally getting whipped by villagers. I'll take the paper RNA anytime.
Let's see now, we have an unbending violent force moving forward to push it's will and agenda on a helpless society and we automatically dismiss the next best and only force capable of challenging them as a "paper tiger?" Just quit then you idiots. You fuel Maoist strength by doing your best to calculate defeat before you've even started. Maoists know you won't act and that you'll debate endlessly on who "whipped" whom during the last offensive.
What revolution EVER started with equality in opposing forces? The Maoist revolution certainly didn't.
And yes, remember those starting points I gave you all? My, my, they seem to have been thoroughly diluted down by your rhetoric of nothingness. I'm sure in a few threads the same idiot will come back with: "well, blogdai why don't you offer some real ideas..."
Ok, here's another one--probably make you soil your pants like the last one: Use your savvy business leaders to form a leadership team and construct a national no-confidence letter and submit it to Parliament. It's just a letter. god, you could even circulate a petition. They almost started this before, but they've since lost momentum. How typical. Perhaps if we asked Prachanda to beat up a few more...
Here's the easiest one of all to get behind: A national peace movement. Set rallies that do not address either parliament or maoism, only peace. Anytime you can get a large group of people thinking in the same direction, you have a movement and movements lead to revolutions. Hey, it worked for Ghandi didn't it? Now there was a revolution. One little bald guy eventually boots the entire British empire out of India----talk about your paper tiger..
Witness Yadav's meltdown above. I can hear it now: "How dare blogdai ask us to do something that involves thinking beyond ourselves?"
i am all ears, let's hear your contribution other than ranting on the blog.
you qouted:
"A coward's venom stings like an onslaught of feathers."
how apt, look in the mirror and repeat that qoute. you have been blogging over two years under anonymity promoting your ideas and opinions. that's completely fine, it's all about ideas not an identity, i understand. but, once you start calling for public to pick up thier arms aganist oppressor (little murky here), or get into civil disobedience mode, instigator indeed needs a face. every concequences have responsibility, why not step forward to take it.
i am all fine with your politics, you have right to your opinion, and certainly there has to be dissenting voices to keep check and balance. you do just fine for that, but what bothers me is your rhetorics.
where is your bravery to hide behinde the BLOGDAI facade, and throw sling shots?
badi badi bat karta hai? Give rest to your aging bones, stop hoping that all privileged brats who visit your blog would go out and fight aganist those Ideologues YCL.
As some half ass fart said: "Hope is not method", you pretty well know who.
"Use your savvy business leaders to form a leadership team and construct a national no-confidence letter and submit it to Parliament."
Yea that's been the major bottleneck all along - a letter to the parliament! I wonder why no one thought of that.
Did you completly miss the 2 days 'shut down' by businessmen some weeks ago?
Anyway I don't know if you deleted my last comment or it didn't post properly but there are some positive sgins. For example Sushil Koirala has publicly lashed out at the YCL. The rest of the SPA (probably not that scumb bag MKN) need to unite and do likewise. The Maoists really need to be cornered on this issue...
Bhudai Pundit
You all have good ideas but too many of you are drawn into personal battles. It does not serve a greater purpose to do so.
If we can calm our emotions and channel our our energy into a single goal -we can do something positive for Nepal.
It is time a new political party was born. I am in Kathmandu and for any of you who are in Nepal -let us take action. Lets meet and discuss what we can do together.
We do not agree on anything -so what? But we agree that the situation requires change. Together we can TRY to do something. Perhaps we will fail and perhaps we can do very little but let us try anyhow.
Any one who wants to help me please email me at: I don't have any answers and but perhaps if we work together we can do something.
Puspha Kamal Sarki
Blogdai whole-heartedly encourages you all to go and visit our own PKS at the site listed above. He's in kathmandu as he says. Anyone have the guts to meet with him? No, no, wait a minute, I forgot, a meeting like that won't work because....(fill in cowardly comment here).....
Stupid bhudai missed the point yet again. The letter is designed to create momentum. If you had been reading, blogdai has been offering small suggestions in order to get the ball rolling. No one seems to want to think or act so it is best to germinate the seeds of small ideas in the hope that someone might just get it.
Didn't I also say that the business leaders tried to start something but lost momentum? Wow, do you think I was referring to the business shut down? And great, yes, we need to rally behind another politician named Koirala who makes yet another tangenital condemnation with no teeth, purely designed to establish their own political originality. Perfect choice for Nepal: Keep avoiding direct action by referring to another useless and endless process. Hopefully, if we can obscure the main issues by channeling the debate towards another meaningless curve, we'll eventually come full circle and be able to start the process all over again. Now that's government!
bhudai, you are a worthless and mean-spirited coward. I'm done with you. You've offered nothing but confusion. consider yourself edited until further notice.
Munov, are you the biggest idiot on the web? I not only predicted your response a head of time but you went ahead and posted it anyway.
"i am all ears, let's hear your contribution other than ranting on the blog."
What have I just been offering? What do you want to see? Slavering fool, consider yourself edited until further notice as well.
got my finger on the moderation button too. As usual, no one will be able to take criticism and the repetitive, profane posting will begin. Oops! did I just give you an idea?
God, housecleaning can be so cathartic.
I am sorry Blogdai: temporary moment of insanity. I don't know why it happens to me.
I was reading an article on Nepali Times and it really changed my mind. It talks about what is happening in Rolpa. Even though the guns are gone the Maoists continue to intimidate people. They say that if people don't vote for them they will beat them and go back to war.
Don't get me wrong. I am not suggesting that we sit around and wait for the Maoists to be mainstreamed. Obviously that's never going to work. I was mearly frustrated and irritated (justifiably) at your suggestion that a military coup would miraclously solve everything. It still don't think that is the answer.
I don't know what the answer but I can still tell which answer is out of the question - kinda like a multiple choice exam.
All in all I do agree that every Nepali needs to be involved and be active in making things better. Like we discussed a few threads ago Nepali people are generally very apathetic and maybe that's why no one wants to take the responsibility. I always look at the streets of KTM as an example. You see nice houses even though there is a pile of trash right outside their gates. All it would take is for a few people to get togeather, show some leadership and make arrgangement to get it removed. But no one steps up to the task and you are left with trash everywhere. It's really this apathetic, indifferent attitude that's the problem. Well enough talk. Let's see about this website and get going...
Bhudai Pundit
Holy crap Batman! You have outdone yourself this time. Why moderation now, things were just getting started. Yadav makes valid points – if you take liberty to question and label all who disagree with you as either ‘spoiled brats’ of stupid, lazy and idiotic disposition, then, my fried, get ready for things that gets thrown at you also. Since you know us well, perhaps some would want to know you too, TRULY.
This column definitely seems to have stirred some debate here, finally! Otherwise it was beginning to get too monotonous with the three Bs – blogdai, bhudai and, well, just B.
Some perspective is needed here.
There is no point in arguing whether Nepal can urgently use some law and order. And in process of keeping a working Nepal where citizens can go about their business daily - without having to live under either, oppression or fear, a functioning government is necessary which can employ various tools to keep stability during period of transition such as this.
The government does have army, police and various other security vehicles it can utilize to control the situation. Although such is not a long-term solution, however, there is no doubt that preserving immediate law and order will provide some much needed relief to the people while providing urgently needed legitimacy to the government – positively reflecting its ability to steer a country in a particular direction during a crisis. Perhaps that would also sow seeds of, yes, HOPE in fatalist Nepali psyche and inspire us to start building our crumbling house.
It amazes me why Koirala and his parties are so reluctant in using security forces while the identity of our country and its existence is being continually threatened by radical ideologies and self-interest groups. It is time for Koirala government to either step-down or take control of the situation; it is time for the government to put the priorities of people ahead of them: provide immiteate law and order in the country and cease polishing its image as non-violent political groups. You are in the GOVERNMENT now idiots, start behaving like one!
A ‘letter of no confidence’ to the PM by ORDINARY Nepalis is a damn good idea. The content of letter should specifically state that: in our attempt to provide/create conducive environment where democratic thoughts and ideas can germinate and flourish, it also needs to be realized that such environment needs protection from the state which, otherwise, would simply break away if there is no formal structure provided by security apparatus of the country.
-free opinions are dime a dozen
More of the same but something that we cannot do without.
"Once leftists unite, democrats will follow suit: Thapa"
AGAIN, these morons are sooo caught up in their own self-preserving politics that they have forgotten that government is NOT their prerogative but of people.
The sad truth is that 'democratic parties' have failed to provide leadership and vision. Why wait until all left partis merge to unite all democractic partis? Why are these spineless democratic parties ALWAYS REACTING to left's pressure and not LEADING their own agenda by uniting all democratic parties - isolating Maoists instead? (forget UML, its a goner in Maoists camp)
The threat is not only from Maoists anymore but from ALL left parties that want to ride the Maoist momentum to republicanism by isolating parties - portraying them as anti-republic. And, under pressure, Girija may very well go for a republican setup soon and THEN unite democratic parties. But, by then, damage would be done already; leftists would UNRIGHTFULLY come out as the facilitator - TRUE voices of the people.
My vote and wishes for Mr. Sarki.
Now you're talking, free (including all who use "free" in their signature during the last two rounds of this thread)
This is good stuff. anything else? blogdai yields the floor if you can keep it up. bravo
Free- you are right on the money, could not agree more. The truth of the matter is, as you have rightly said "...they have forgotten that government is NOT their prerogative but of people."
How these shitheads have made cries after cries of "for the people and by the people" must be torn to pieces and Mr. Sarki can hit on this as a collective force by us committing to do something in earnest as one.
When going gets tough, tough gets going- we have to drenched ourselves in this mind frame and move on. Lets not banter till cow comes home- it will be too late.
If you draw upon all the things that has happened- it all leads to one conclusion. Clamp down of all parties with provisions, banning of Terrorist organizations, and establishment of peace and reconciliation office.
The effort should be to make all problems in one umbrella and then sort it out. To do this- may be dictatorial rule is necessary and I see no wrong in it. First thing to do is bring house in order by any means possible.
When in gutter, gotta work like gutter dweller and not pretend to be penthouse tenant.
Wow-Nepal is headbanged and we do know it.
April 28, 2007
Indo-Nepal border new transition point of terrorists: police
Indo Asian News Service
New Delhi, April 27 (IANS) Delhi Police Friday said Indo-Nepal border was emerging as a new route for militants to enter into India after it was known that the Lashkar-e-Toiba militant arrested Thursday came by the same route.
The LeT militant, Abu Kasim, from Mandi Bhavan district in Pakistan, was arrested Thursday evening with two of his accomplices Shabbir Ahmed and Shafqat Iqbal - both from Doda in Jammu and Kashmir - from the upscale Dilli Haat market in south Delhi.
'Kasim first came to Nepal from Pakistan, then he crossed the Nepal border with the help of one Vinod to reach Patna in Bihar. The duo then boarded Magadh Express to arrive in the city,' said Karnal Singh, joint commissioner of the special cell of Delhi Police.
'Usually the militants cross Indo-Pak border to enter India. We have received intelligence reports that militants have started exploring sea passages to come here,' Singh added.
The militants were allegedly sent on the directions of Abu Ammar, chief commander of LeT in Jammu region, to carry out terrorist activities in the national capital.
'Ammar directed Ahmed and Iqbal to deliver the consignment of arms, ammunition and explosives to a trained Pakistani militant here,' Singh said. 'The three were planning to launch a terror strike in the city to coincide with the forthcoming celebration to mark 150 years of India's first war of independence in 1857,' he added.
During sustained interrogations Kasim revealed that he joined LeT in 2002 while Iqbal became a member of the terror group in 2005, police said.
Police recovered two kilograms of RDX, two hand grenades, three detonators, one timer and cash worth Rs.25,000 from the arrested militants.
I think many of you are crazy. The NA is bad in experience but very useful for the nation. Mr. Blogdai is correct and in front of all the thinking on this issue. Article below is from Mr. Pandey. Do Mao badis have public relations director to explain to the people? No way.
Nepali Army for Nation’s Development
Armed forces are the strong pillars and the power of the nation. They are not only a vital part of national security but if employed properly and effectively, they can also play significant role for overall development of the nation
By Pankaj Pandey
Security is an important part of people’s well-being and is, therefore, an objective of development. Lack of security has adverse consequences on economic growth and poverty and, thereby, development. This lack of development or imbalanced development results in sharp horizontal inequalities, being a cause of instability. Hence for both developing and underdeveloped countries, it is essential to promote inclusive development to prevent instability. Policies towards security may become one part of development policy because in so far they enhance security, they will contribute to development; and policies towards development may become part of security policies because enhanced development increases security.
People may have the potential to do many things, yet this potential may be cut off or people’s sense of well-being may be seriously affected due to high levels of insecurity. Such insecurity includes the possibility of economic instability, health crises, and injury or death as a result of criminal violence. Violence may lead to the break-up of communities and families, forced migration and the need to re-establish lives in strange and alien environments, or even a suspended existence in refugee camps. There is no question that if such events are widespread, they have a serious negative impact on many people’s lives, and therefore adversely affect the achievement of development.
Development encompasses human rights, good governance, access to education and health care, and ensuring that each individual has opportunities and choices to fulfill his or her own potential, freedom from fear and the freedom of the future generations to inherit a healthy natural environment. These are the interrelated building blocks of human and, therefore, crucial for national security. Thus security is an important dimension of development.
Many critics have considered the armed forces wasteful and nonproductive institutions. Defense expenditures are viewed as a negative factor in under developed countries. However, given the social, political, and economic conditions in those countries, the armed forces play an important role in modernization, social change and on overall development.
Mahatma Gandhi expressed his view on the role of armed forces saying, "The military virtues of loyalty, unity, discipline and efficiency should be exploited during peace time, and the entire military establishment should be employed for the constructive economic and social programs." Nepali armed forces are considered scientifically well-developed organisations emphasizing the virtues of hard work, co-operation, discipline, honesty and integrity.
Besides its primary role of nation’s defense and internal security, the Nepali Army (NA) has been making worthwhile contribution in the fields of various types of construction, nature and wildlife conservation, relief works against natural calamities, havocs, disasters management etc. Armed forces have traditionally inherited these qualities and can be regarded as suitable organisations for fulfilling such tasks. By participating in such activities, Nepali armed forces have been playing an important role in society.
Nature Conservation and Wildlife Protection
Conservation activities are directly related with the development phenomenon. Conservation of natural flora and fauna related with ecological balance prevents soil erosions and natural disasters. Considering this fact, NA has been continuously involved in the conservation of National Parks and endangered species and other animals since 1975.
There are 22 protected areas covering some 26,921 sq. km in Nepal today. Among them, NA protects 11 most critical areas covering 9,767 sq. km. like the Suklaphant wildlife reserve, Bardia National Park , Lamtang National Park , Shivapuri National Park , Chitawan National Park , Sagarmatha National Park , Kosi Tappu wildlife reserve, Parsa wildlife reserve, Rara National Park , Shey-Phoksundo National Park and Khaptad National Park .
Road Construction
Concerned for the well being of the nation and the people, NA has gladly responded to Nepal 's quest for development. NA has been utilising its trained manpower and resources in support of the nation’s progress for many decades proving efficient, cost effective and dedicated machineries for development. The NA has been instrumental in opening up remote areas located in rugged mountainous terrain with a large number of road and bridging projects. The dedication of NA personnel and its institutional drive and integrity have made it possible for national planners to aim for more road projects at minimum costs.
Currently, the NA is involved in 12 road projects namely Katari-Okhaldunga (88 km), Salyan-Musikot (86 km), Surkhet-Jumla (232 km), Baglung-Beni-Jomsom (60 km), Besisahar-Chame (65 km), Chinchu-Jajarkot (107km), Musikot-Burtibang (145 km), Devsthal-Kinkanda-Chaurjahari (31km), Drabyashah Marg(45 km), Satdobato-Nibel-Baluwa (37 km), Gorkha-Manakamana (39 km) and Gorkha-Arughat-Arkhet (45 km). Besides these major road constructions, the Nepali armed forces are constantly engaged in track repair and bridge construction throughout the country.
Disaster Relief
Disasters are major incidents which cause serious disruptions to life, arising with little or no warning, causing deaths or serious injuries and rendering people homeless. In such crises, public services operating under normal procedures demand special mobilisation and prompt action. To respond effectively and quickly to such incidents, professionalism and organised effort of the armed forces are very effective. Consequently, the NA plays a major role in providing emergency assistance to the needy people all over the country.
Each disaster creates its own unique circumstances. NA has acted promptly during floods, earthquakes, avalanches, fires, landslides, air and other transportation disasters with its expert and professional manpower depending upon the situation and the magnitude of the disaster. NA plays a vital role in disaster relief operation like search and rescue, medical assistance and evacuation including Air Rescue and also provides for support of victims by mobilising all its resources.
Some of the incidents where the NA has saved many lives are the devastating earthquake of 1933, the damaging earthquake in east Nepal in 1988, rescue of passengers from the plane crashes of Pakistan International Airlines and Thai Airways and recently the rescue of flood victims at Banke and Bardia in August 2006.
Peace Keeping Operations
Nepali armed forces have been actively participating in various peace-keeping, observer and other miscellaneous UN missions in the international field since 1958 with the deployment of five military observers in Lebanon . This representation of Nepal in the international arena is definitely projecting a positive image. Consequently, it has brought forth better reimbursement for the nation and economic build-up for every army personnel .It is also a key player as a tourism messenger.
The first Nepalese contingent, Purano Gorakh battalion was deployed in Egypt in 1974. NA's participation in the UN peacekeeping operations spans a period of 48 years covering 29 UN Missions, in which over 56,298 Nepali soldiers have served in support of UN peacekeeping endeavors. The NA has contributed outstanding Force Commanders, elite military contingents, impartial military observers and dedicated staff officers. Their devotion to duty and excellent performance have been widely acclaimed. Nepali troops have taken part in some of the most difficult operations, and have suffered casualties in the service of the UN. Till date, 51 NA personnel have sacrificed their lives in the line of duty while 54 have been disabled.
Its most significant contribution has been for peace and stability in Africa . It has demonstrated its unique capacity of sustaining large troop commitments over prolonged periods. At present, Nepal is ranked as the fourth largest troop contributing country in the UN.
Air Support
The Nepali armed forces operate its own air transport system which consists of aircrafts and helicopters. These aircrafts are being devoted to various rescue services for disaster victims, ferrying of development materials to remote areas in order to expedite the completion of rural projects and food delivery to remote areas and to sustain the administrative infrastructure of the government. So far, the air wing of the armed forces has saved hundreds of lives and drops thousands of tons of development materials and food in the remote areas.
Armed forces are the strong pillars and the power of the nation. They are not only a vital part of national security but if employed properly and effectively, they can also play significant role for overall development of the nation. Professional, effective and mechanized armed forces are the need of the today's modern world. Throughout its history, Nepali armed forces have worked towards the protection and preservation of sovereignty, national unity and national integrity - so it must be a matter of pride for every Nepali citizen.
(Pandey works as a public relation officer at the Directorate of Public Relation (DPR) of the Nepali Army and can be reached at . The directorate plays a pivotal role as a bridge between the Nepali army and the public, disseminating news and activities concerning the Nepali army for the public.)
It is sad to think where Nepal would be without aremy. They must gave some fear to maoist or else maoist would take over much faster
People are seemingly unaware of the following;
(1) The army are one branch of the state.
(2) The state is governed by leaders who purport to be accountable to the people.
(3) The army are accountable to whomever governs unless the army's power is disproportionate to the government. Tends to be the case where the government is weak.
(4) In a modern and stable political state; those who govern are accountable to the people either (normally through elections)
(5) Nepal's state is governed in the feudal sense where the people are spoken for and do not speak for themselves.
Bhudai Pundit points out that apathy is to blame but that apathy has been groomed over hundreds of years of subjugation.
Nepal is a society with a rigid social hierarchy. There is almost no social mobility with generations of Nepali's unable to improve their socio-economic situation. Hence the mass movement abroad. It is a system true to the adopt (and bastardised) Hindu caste system and the Buddhism wheel of life. Accept fate. Accept that you do not control your future.
Ironically, democracy has served to reinforce the idiosyncratic nature of Nepal's society by increasing the gap between urban wealth and rural poverty and at the same time increase the expectations. Education symbolises this 'magic bullet.' Politicians have blown hope into people's hearts but it has come from the wrong hole.
The political center is far removed from 90% of the population and is not too dissimilar from the monarchical systems of Europe in the early modern period where London, Paris, Madrid were like foreign countries. In such a time, central governments were dependent upon the power of local magnates to impose tax, law and order.
What we see is a bastardized Feudal Democracy. Democratic in name but feudal in character.
For example, we see an interim government betraying their mandate. They are 'interim' because they are temporary stewards of the state until elections are held. They betray their mandate by governing as though they had been elected with a mandate for change. They have not. No one has. In the true sense of the word; a constituent assembly is only intended to draw up a constitution. It is has little mandate for anything.
It is an abuse of authority and the power vested by the state to do anything else.
(6) The Army is there to serve the people and in a fully functioning government is accountable to the people through government.
(7) Nepal's army is dependable insofar that is governed well. The resources, the training, the masters are all appointed by the state and the state, as we know, is governed by the politicians.
(8) The system only works when the people appointed to make it work -do so effectively.
(9) If the system does not work then the practice needs to be reinforced with new leaders and new people who can do the job.
(10) Theoretically the army is accountable to its citizens but who are the Maoists accountable for?
(11) In practice, the central Maoist committee have commanded that their cadres refrain from violence, torture, abductions and theft but it still continues unabated in the countryside.
(12) The Maoists are not accountable to the citizens of Nepal because (1) they are outside law and order (2) the state is unable to control them (3) they exist to overwhelm the the state
(13) Both the Maoists and Nepali Army have committed numerous human rights abuses and people rightly point this out but only the Nepali Army can be held to account.
(14) Tomorrow, the state can gather evidence against soldiers within the Nepali army; arrest them and put them in front of a judge. It has done so on numerous occasions but has fails to do so because good management is not practiced. One can pay 10,000 NRS to avoid justice but it is there. It just needs people to reinforce the system.
(15) Tomorrow, the state can not gather evidence against soldiers within the Maoists ranks; arrest them and bring them in front of a judge. Why? They do not want to be held accountable for their actions and would rather deny any wrongdoing. If you disagree with them then you can expect to be tortured, killed or bribed. Oh and it would be political suicide for the peace process.
When the state persistently fails us it is easy to blame the system but we must remember that our system is only ever as good as the people who are appointed to make it work.
I believe that we do not need to change the system very much.
We have a parliamentary democracy with the King as the head of state.
I agree that the King's powers ought to be ceremonial rather than political. I also believe that Paras should never inherit.
I also think we need to clear out the filth that govern us and reinforce the system with new faces who are capable of governing.
Change is slow and progress even slower but the system needs to be reinforced. If you keep changing the system each time there is a problem you will be left with what you see in Nepal today -a stateless society.
>>When the state persistently fails us it is easy to blame the system but we must remember that our system is only ever as good as the people who are appointed to make it work.
Absolutely Puspha. But who or what is the system if not the people who run it - at least on policy/legislative level? However, the hallmark of a good system - say for instance 'democratic' - would atleast allow the process of removing appointed people who fail to carry on responsibilities. And, the debate - atleast from my understanding, is that of many such responsibilities, keeping law and order is one of the most important concerning ANY system. If there is no framework of limits on how much you can exercise your rights, then all we have is anarchy, then all we are driven by is self-interest, which is exactly what we are seeing in Nepal these days.
The CHANGE we are talking about is a change in perspective, change in expectation versus reality, change in the whole way we look at our stake in the process. That is what the debate is about and not simply proposing a change in various systems of governance just for its sake.
'King-Army chief meeting deplorable' - Mahara
On the contrary, Mr. Mahara, we - the PEOPLE, WELCOME COAS Rukumgad Katuwal's meeting with King in discussing the clamping down of growing anarchism by Maoists, organized crime syndicates and separatist movements that only make Nepal and Nepalis vulnerable to foreign interests - hijacking our present and compromising our future.
This is a call to duty; this is a call to all those who have slightest interest in seeing Nepal steer itself from further spiraling out of control to speak up, write up or contribute in whichever way they can.
Let the counter-revolution be in offing!
-in defense of King, country and its sovereign people
bless you both, Pushpa and fee (fee? are we being charged for your services now?)
What are they saying, people? They say what we've said here many times. ANY system will work, communism, democracy, monarchy, if it has the faith of its people. We've got to play the game and stick to the rules, simple.
What have we also said? The original constitution of Nepal was a fine document. There was no need to change it fundamentally. The problem lies in those charged with enforcing its provisions. They just couldn't do it. Girija had to re-write the thing to give himself more authority and give the King a royal smack-down.
A constant rewriting of one's constitution coupled with an anemic distaste for listening to the wishes and desires of the people through elections shows all citizens that those in power have no real faith in making the system work. And if our officials have no faith, why should we, right?
Pushpa still has faith in his descriptions of the "interim" nature of the current constitution and the powers of the CA. But what's keeping these guys from changing the rules again? Even so, do you think Girija and his goons will go quietly into the night should a CA legislate them out of Parliament? The only pattern we can rely on from this govenment is the absolute certainty that they will use their well-honed skills of self-preservation to find a means of keeping themselves in power. Bank on it.
We've often said that democracy is not marked by what you receive; but rather by how you act when you don't receive. In essence, can you tolerate a few political losses for the greater good of all? Not in Nepal. When one party gets the shaft, they immediately alert their "student" activists to hit the streets and scream until they get their way. No faith in the greater good, grab what you can get right now because we may change the rules again later, is the ethos.
And when Nepalis see an unbending, ruthless force, with an ideology that runs in direct opposition to the tenets of our constitution, being welcomed into government with open arms, what sort of message do you think that sends about faith in government and its established principles to the average citizen?
Fee hits it on the head further by implying that we have no faith in our system because we've not endeavored to create stakeholders in the government process. Every citizen MUST feel that their participation in elections, referendums, what have you, will have some credible echo in the halls of power. Without this, cynicism and hopelessness prevail.
So where are we now? Blogdai believes we're on a precipice. Lack of faith in the system has led us to believe that it's every man for himself: as close to anarchy as we can get and still be a sovereign nation. Couple that with the fact that the maoists, first group to capitalize on this condition, is about to come to power and we've started a dangerous chain of events that could very well lead Nepal into a factionalized region run by warlords. Afghanistan anyone?
Debate is finished in this grab-all society. Order must be restored before the long task of political and social reconstruction can begin.
This is the extention of your tri-part ‘Maoists must go’ column, but geared more towards addressing the SPA of their failure. Feel free to include if deemed worthy of a column, else leave em as a comment.
An open letter to the SPA
RE: Devil amidst Us
Thank you, SPA(M)! Thank you for showing us your true colors, again.
Just in short span of a year since coming to power, you have showed us your capacity – or should we say audacity to revert back to your old ways of conducting business. And by old ways we mean the likes of your previous reign - 15 years of ad hoc ruling, 15 years of fleecing Nepal, 15 years of political bickering and 15 years of massive corruption at grandest scale the country has seen since its inception more than two hundred years ago.
While, we the people, would like to put our past behind and move ahead to forge a better Nepal, you, Sirs, have given us no alternative but to revise our support that we granted you in successfully carrying out the April andolan. And such revision is based not on some abstract ideas of governance but on ground realities that constantly stare at us these days – anarchy, failure of law and order – all threatening to tear Nepal apart, threatening its sovereignty by threatening the very existence of people who put you back in power in the first place.
Unlike the forces that import foreign ideas and try to implant them in native soils by means of force, we, the average - simple and real populace of Nepal find it absolutely irrelevant at present context to give any legitimacy to such forces whose self-proclaimed advocacy for restructuring Nepal have cost us too many innocent lives; who use force, coercion and anarchy to achieve their interests which have no larger benefit to the country except to those who proliferate such ideas. And, like I said above, in short span of a year since you entrusted the radicals with government responsibilities, we have seen no changes in their behavior; we have seen no effort by the radicals to reform themselves before they spew high ideals of revolutionizing the system. In most likelihood these radicals are incapable of reforming themselves anytime soon because, unlike most political parties in democratic setting, these radicals achieve their goals exclusively through the use of force, and in absence of such force, the radicals lose their existence – they lose their legitimacy.
So, you tell us, Sirs, how is it logically possible for someone to give up their fundamental platform - of violence, and still remain relevant? There is a fundamental disconnect here: for Maoists and other radicals, political power flows through the barrel of a gun; for rest of the democratic parties, the power or the process to power is entrusted by the people under no external pressure or threat. We are already starting with a losing proposition here.
Further, these radical forces employ age old techniques of dive and rule. The divisions that already exist in Nepali society - be it of social hierarchy, political access or economic mobility, is being used as baits to garner preys that become the facilitator of their radicalism. With ammunition of existent divisions and loaded guns, these radicals walk around the hills of Nepal and corridors of government halls– drunk in arrogance, blinded by hate and brainwashed by defeatism. And, like chameleons that change colors to camouflage themselves when dangers strike, these chameleon-like radical groups find faults in various elements inside as well as outside the system. A true example can be witnessed when the radicals – who are already in the government – take credit when the system achieves its momentary goals, but then make a 180 degrees turn and blame the ‘government’, royals, ethnic groups and whoever they can think at the opportune moment when such threaten to reveal their true color behind layers of camouflage they have acquired.
Witness a primary example of their hypocrisy: the radicals, and by now you must be aware that we are talking about our own Maoists here, clashed with the ethnic groups of Terai. For every reasonable person, all else being equal, there was every right on part of Madhesis to demand equal representation in the government. After all, why should Madhesis – who are Nepalis by every definition, be denied every process like other Nepalis who wish to acquire the same benefits? And, instead of setting up talks with ethnic groups and listening to their grievances; instead of using regional representatives to facilitate dialog with such groups to bring them in mainstream Nepali process, your government fell for the radicals’ ploy again. You listened to those same chameleons and lost your legitimacy. Even while the demand was simply to oust your Home Minister, Mr. Situala – who is a brother-in-law of the devil himself, you shunned the people’s request and displayed your arrogance yet another time.
The point is you and your alliances have failed to listen to people. You have failed to provide the most basics of need to the people. You have failed to provide security, law and order and absolutely-positively, failed to nurture the support of people who entrusted you with the job of taking us to a new era. Instead, you have listened to the devil all through last year, and, by that, you have lost whatever credibility you acquired during Janaandolan II. People no longer trust you; they no longer have faith in your leadership.
We request that you step down on account of failed leadership. We kindly request that you designate your supreme power to the institution of Nepali Army whose primary responsibility would be to immediately secure law and order and maintain peace and stability in the country. Whereas, if your alliance bloats up in arrogance and tries to suppress people’s aspirations again, we would have no other recourse but to launch a nation-wide revolution to oust the radicals from our political process – uproot radicalism from our lands altogether. And, if you get caught in the process, we take no responsibility either. You have been forewarned!
- Nepal Revolutionary Council
No, no, I think it's quite worthy of its own column. In fact, blogdai has been composing the next column already. You're right on target because I've been playing with the working title of "reclaiming our right to self-determination" or something like that.
I personally like both the language and tone of your letter. One can feel our collective frustrations line by line.
But let's go further: Let's make it easier and simpler for the masses to get behind. Let's also condense it so the idiots in parliament won't put it down after reading the first paragraph.
Take it, edit it down to just expressing the main ideas you have and re-post it. With your permission, I'd like to do the same. In fact, let's open it up to this thread: Everyone here should have a try at the re-write. PKS, let's get your brain in on this, especially.
What we're looking for is a good, concise position paper that we can AND WILL send off to parliament and the major news houses.
I say, let a thousand blogdai readers take a crack at it. We get it into a submittable form and I'll publish a new column--free, with you as co-author and whoever does the best rendition as editor.
Alas, readers: do not sell free's effort short. This is the exact first step needed in order to affect change in Nepal's situation. If free is willing, the more we collaborate, the better.
blogdai will cut and paste the letter into Word and get to work. I hope all of you take the challenge and do the same. Let's get to it!
I haven't read Free's letter in full but I liked the parts I saw. Good job!
I agree we are all frustrated and sick of the SPAM! Something needs to be done. I think we all agree on that. What I don't agree with is a sudden military coup of anything of that sort.
May I suggest both of you read this piece in the Himal about the military take over in Bangladesh:
Bhudai Pundit
What we're looking for is a good, concise position paper that we can AND WILL send off to parliament and the major news houses.
Now, you are talking Blogdai, some action indeed. Differences aside, positive/constructive steps should be acknowledged.
Not much hope sending a petition to those incorrigible bastards (law makers), but it doesn't mean that we should give up our only option-- making ourselves heard, in whatever feable manner, but collectively that would turn into a mandate.
I guess we have wasted much of our time debating everything under the Nepali sky, for once let's do something.
Muneer Yadav
Now we are talking. Free/Blogdai- lets get it on. Just let me know how I should contribute, I am there. I think like Blogdai said- gotta make it concise and to the point- this way most can identify and understand the real theme and spur into action.
I have got hundreds who believe time has come to correct the wrongs. And Free- so eloquently you have put down what we all have in our hearts. Bravo.
I am willing to contribute in any way possible. Count me in.
I don't agree to the part where it tries to glorify the Mob and Goon movement. Things need to be clear. The SPAM warlords hijacked power...and no one else supported them except their own cadres and comrades and the Indian commies and the Indian government. It was never a Jana-Andolan but a movement of hoodlums let lose.
Coming back...when you re-write the letter taking the above can say it as:
You managed to come to power but you have gone back to your old, dirty ways.
certainly, i think we all should make an attempt to compose a position paper, or at least help in editing one. so whoever wishes to take mine and give it some discernable form - put em in readable format may do so without any hesitation.
my sentiments are with yours. i don't know whether they'll actually READ the letter, or that such will make even a slightest dent in their position. however, what will happen is that it will open floodgates of write ups from average folks who, so far, have simply been venting off on various blogs. that in my view will be a REAL start of public involvement in national politics.
Well, I've copied free's letter and have used it as a template. The ideas are spot on in my opinion, I'm just adding and subtracting here and there to fit my own tastes and ideas. I'm about half-done but should have my first draft posted here today.
It's a good starting point if we don't know where to start. blogdai suggests copying frees letter onto your computer and editing it yourselves and re-posting it back here. having said that, if you have your own letter post it here as well.
The important thing is collaboration. Let's come up with a good position paper that tries to capture all of our frustrations and is clear and concise.
Who will be first to post?
(Ok, here's a first draft. It might still need to be cut down a bit more. Suggestions? -=BD)
To the Seven-Party Alliance and Maoist leadership:
We, the concerned citizens of Nepal placed our trust in the Seven Party Alliance just over a year ago. It was our hope that the leadership entrusted with bringing Nepal into a new era of democracy and freedom through the Jana Andolan movement would continue in the spirit of last year’s demonstrations and re-introduce effective and competent governance to Nepal.
Since that time we have been saddened to observe a return to the same style of ineptitude, corruption and political bickering that marked the previous 15 years under this same leadership.
Under your tenure of the past year, Nepal has begun to spiral downwards towards anarchy and the complete disregard for the rule of law; threatening not only Nepal’s sovereignty, but the very safety of its citizens. It is because of this current untenable situation that we now must withdraw our support for your leadership and express our opinion of “no confidence” towards this Prime Minister and Parliament.
We also refuse to cooperate or give legitimacy to any force that uses brutality and coercion as a mean of furthering their agenda under the guise of restructuring Nepal. Be it Maoism or any other movement, we strongly object to welcoming such groups into government with their violent adherence to their own sense of ideological supremacy undeterred and unchanged by our constitutionally established rules of governance.
Your failed leadership has contributed greatly to the present dire security situation in Nepal. It is to this fact that we must demand that the Prime Minister and Parliament abdicate their powers immediately to the National Army or any legitimate security force charged with restoring law and order in Nepal.
Nepal Council for Peace
Although writing letters is a great option...not many people (including me) are literally inclined. We just like to make comments and criticise others. I can make comments and make passing shots but please don't expect me to write letter.
So for the sake of people like me...I would ask other people to write letters by including our points.
And then we will give you our name and/or email address (may be anonymous) to sign off the letters...assuming that the letter written is in the best interest of the country.
Understood and fair enough.
Your suggestions and any form of input are still greatly appreciated.
Agreeing with the anonymous posting, and not being literary inclined - good intitative though
I agree with the first four paragraphs of your letter, but the last one - where you call in to hand over power to the army - well, without an alternative solution - unfortunately I have to diasagree.
Maybe an alternative source can be found? Maintaining law and order is fine, but can;t that be done under a civilian government? or ar least with civilian oversight?
- the paper tiger guy
Agreed, and civilian oversight is preferable, but who's going to listen to such a body these days, the Maoists? We're talking about maintaining order at this phase and that may require the appearance or actual threat of force.
a civilian body, given our propensity for dithering, might take years to develop; whereas, we've got a reasonable deterrent force ready to go now. Nepal can't afford to wait.
I really enjoy reading the positive sentiments voiced by Blogdai, Free, Bhudai, Sansar, B and many others and they are welcome but words are no longer enough.
It is time for positive change.
What do you do when you can see that we have no leaders to lead?
No government to govern?
When all else fails; we have only ourselves to rely upon.
Many of you are not here to see the want of leadership; the want of law and order or the suffering of the people.
Together we can organize, finance and support the creation of a new political party that is capable of governance.
A political party needs 10,000 members to register. Although this is Nepal and in Nepal most do not. Such membership is easily reachable with the backing of non-resident Nepali's.
The real revolution in Nepal has not yet begun.
The people's voice needs to be articulated.
Their power is not yet released.
Lets start here.
Who will take up the challenge?
If you are 'in' then please email me at
thanks for the effort. it looks nothing like MY letter, only better. i sorta agree with the 'paper tiger guy' also. since we are now going about in much 'civilized' way than originally intended, i suggest we primarily focus and recommend the use of security forces strictly to prevent the down-spiraling lawlessness in the country. else, if we are to propose a temporary takeover by the army, we may also have to be little more deliberate on addressing the 'vaccum' that would be generated by SPA(M) ousting. who else can we put there temporarily? G might be a bad idea but my presumptions may very well be invalid.
any thoughts?
Points taken, as our letter evolves, perhaps our military paragraph--which seems to be the sticking point--can form into something like: "We call on the NA to immediately take an active role in maintaining order." something like that.
PKS is right, starting a party is good. but, in this land of naysayers and second-guessers, where ya gonna get 10,000? blogdai thinks, right here.
This letter campaign is going to garner some attention, criticism and support. this effort should be widely publicized and we should be as general and appealing in our tone as possible. blogdai also sees this campaign as a kind of survey of opinions. Surely, we can find some platform that 10,000 of us agree on, right?
We'll ask those who support our views to lend their name and e-mail, as anon said above and ask for more. A sort of petition/support roster.
From there, PKS, you'll have your pool of names and then you can start the party.
Still waiting for more letter versions: c'mon people!
Good idea with the letters. I fully agree.
Don't worry Blogdai, I will get 10,000 members to form a political party.
Possible re-write of last paragraph:
"Your failed leadership has contributed greatly to the present dire security situation in Nepal. It is to this fact that we must demand that the Prime Minister and Parliament suspend its operation and public commentary immediately.
We further demand that the National Army, or any legitimate security force requested, begin operations that will directly lead to the restoration of law and order and peace in Nepal."
well, it turned into two paragraphs.
If we can get this letter into a submittable form and get some interest, perhaps we should make it a one-two punch by following up with a basic, say, 10 point platform that outlines what we all agree on. a new party platform, if you will.
Plank #1.
" We agree that the current situation sucks." or something like that for starters.
I don't mean to piss on your parade but how are a bunch of anon bloggers going to do anything but add to the the other thousands of printed paper that are written each day in politics?
Your voice carries no weight in Nepal and will not reach the people you want to persuade...
Tell me how you are going to avoid being toilet paper...
Hello naysayer, as if on cue..
A little reading of world history will tell you that such an effort as ours is the exact thing needed to build a concensus. With agreement and momentum, those with like sentiments will agree and perhaps join.
Funny, I seem to remember a radical upstart communist party carrying "no weight in Nepal" and unable to "reach the people they want to persuade." Hmm, look at that group now. Girija virtually laughed them out of Singha durbar a more than decade ago.
Thank you for your comment. It is clear to blogdai that you will be most comfortable sitting back in your chair and lobbing criticism. Fine, and blogdai wishes you well. But who will you criticise when Nepal falls?
No, our readers--and particularly this thread of readers--has had enough with the endless debate on why we "can't" change Nepal. We are searching for avenues of action and we have found one with this mass letter.
Sit back, watch, and try to stay out of the way if you can.
Perhaps i wrote insensitively to your feelings but you need to think about the point made.
I agree a letter would be useful but you need to think about how its going to carry any weight.
Who in Nepal has heard of any you? Who will listen to a group of people who use blogging names to give their views? Who will u approach? Who is your target audience?
Its one thing trying to write a letter -its another actually getting it to stand out from all the other shit on offer.
So how are you going to avoid becoming toilet paper?
Here’s few more…
Plank #2 The condition that the country is in now serves in the interest of no Nepalis – except those who wish to grab political power by dividing the country.
#3 The ongoing tussle between the political parties and Maoists to garner support for the CA has overlooked people’s day-to-day suffering, inviting myriad of opportune elements who intend to break social and national harmony.
#4 While Nepalis want to contribute their best to a better Nepal, we realize that no sacrifice would suffice if there is no mutual exchange between the government and its people. Further, we see no reason to abide by political consensus and legislation passed and implemented by parties if such has been carried out without due consideration of people’s immediate needs – mainly security, law order etc.
#5 As part of reclaiming our lost sense of security within our own homeland, we urge that your government make serious effort to clam down on various criminal outfits in garb of political groups. The first step in this process would be to delegate responsibility of preserving law and order to the National Army or any other legitimate security forces.
#6 In the event your government is unable to simultaneously co-ordinate its political affairs with security matters of the country, we strongly urge the current leadership to step down and delegate all security matters to the National Army who whose primary and immediate concerns would be to preserve law and order in the country – granting ordinary Nepalis at least a sense of security.
Have we any such letters now? No, none. Have we any collective voice other than that of a frenzied street mob? No. Editorials and opinions abound, sure, but has anyone en masse sought to address the parties directly? No, none.
Has anyone dared speak against the Maoists and or the parties directly? Organized beyond the simple rally and street protest? No, again, none. Nepal's deterioration is partly our fault because of this climate of impunity that we've offered to Girija and the maoists. Our letter seeks to change that.
As an example, let's look at Girija recently. For many years, he's been able to avoid direct challenges to his authority by ignoring calls for any election. Now, although he doesn't mean it, he is at least acknowledging the fact that the world and the Maoists are not going to give him a free ride. He's feeling the heat of world opinion and scrutiny and is trying to give everyone watching the slip by pleading his case that he at least "tried" to have CA elections. Anyone watching the frustration of Nepal's EC in recent weeks knows better. The bigger point is, Girija's no longer impervious to scrutiny and he knows it.
Take again our little jana andolan of last year. So as to get past the inevitable onslaught of criticism for being no more than common street protesters, our intrepid SPAM alliance made sure all the world knew about their "struggle for absolute democracy." As we've come to know and some knew at the time, no such democracy has been achieved much less contemplated since the boys came back to the trough. They disguised a simple coup under the banner of "democracy" in order to placate world opinion.
This was new to Nepali politicians who were used to dipping their hand in the cash and corruption till with perfect impunity and no outside scrutiny. Now, they at least know they have to have an answer when the world takes a peek.
It is to this sense of our politician's new awareness of world scrutiny that we bring our letter. A powerful statement sent directly to Parliament, the Maoists, and all world media centers signed by however many signatures (I like that 10,000 figure) will carry weight in a world news-cycle that has, so far, been content to ape the wire-service accounts of Nepal news.
That includes the kantipur radio outlets that over 80% of rural Nepalis count on for current events. Maoist, who have up to this point prospered under nepali complacency, will see a direct challenge in this new cloud on the horizon.
hard to believe you think such an effort would have no effect in the era of mass opinionating against a Hrithik Roshan remark or a Richard Gere kiss.
You speak as if such an effort has to be massaged and manicured like a novel. We must pick a "target audience" and such. In this case the target audience IS the author, and it is not so much the "who wrote it" that counts, but the momentum of "how many wrote it" that carries weight and demands a response.
And, perhaps the fact that we can do this online and with anonymous but e-mail verifiable supporters will increase participation. It's a lot easier than standing on your front porch in Bagh Bazaar and chanting anti-maoist slogans, and a logical way to ease into building mass support.
Until today, the people of Nepal who feel as we feel had no way of knowing if there were like minded blocks of people in the world that shared their views. Any word, pamplet or report of our endeavor can only comfort, and hopefully embolden those who wish deperately for change in Nepal.
What you do with this letter in the privacy of your bathroom is up to you, but in any event, it won't be ignored--even by an ass.
Nice 6 points for PKS's party platform.
#4? Should be a law. blogdai wouldn't change a word of it, not one.
Wait... so how are we going to get this letter out? Print it in a newspaper? Is the letter going to be written in Nepali?
Bhudai Pundit
e'nuff of chitter, chatter. Lets roll up our sleeves and get to work. Lets not get trapped in our own mire of "over thinking." Time for action is now- just fire up the engine- everyone should contribute to bring sanity here. Create a platform NOW, NOW and NOW. Just need a little ground to stand up. We all shall pledge to work as one.
I am not going to agree to agree to any letter or form where it says, 'Jana Andolan gave you (SPAM) a mandate'. The movement was carried out by hoolums. Enough of clarification.
We can write it as: "You (SPAM) managed to get into power and gave a lot of rhetorics but you haven't done anything constitutional or democratic..."
Second, I will not accept any letter or form that recognizes SPAM as the (legitimate) government of Nepal.
If we were to accept the authority of SPAM officially in any form then they will get boldened. If we accept any legislation passed by SPAM then it is our downfall and we are accepting terrorists and vested foreign powers to rape us. We must be clear in any our language and ask them (SPAM) to vacate the posts that they have hijacked by terrorism and foreign support.
Just bring in RNA and bring in peace and prosperity. Democracy and crap will come next.
Ok, this looks much better now. Just a question though -
When it is said that the RNA is to be deployed for sole purpose of maintaining "law and order" - it becomes important to define the law that's gonna be enforced. Which framework is the RNA going to follow, the '46 saal constitution, the panchayat one, the new loktantrik one, their own army "code of conduct" (people may be unaware of the exact confines of it), or some new framework?
And I suppose that is one of the main sticking points of the whole mess. If you can clearly answer this question to the satisfaction of majority, then you're halfway there.
And by the by, this YCL outfit needs to be taken care of. These guys are totally illegetimate outfit, virtually a parallel security force.....
- the paper tiger
agreed that janan andolan came from no mandate; and , agreed that SPA is not a legitimate gov't; but they currently ARE in power and we must address it. I don't see anywhere in our first drafts where we accept SPA as legitimate, only that they are in charge and must step down.
Jana andolan on the other hand is a different matter. We may have to give a little on that one in order to solidify our position due to world perception. the world has been duped into thinking the andolan was a mass uprising to overthrow a cruel monarchy. So be it. We'll gain more traction if we play off of this perception It makes a much more powerful statement to imply that normal, democracy-seeking citizens were betrayed by SPAM rather than to just paint the movement as a farce from the beginning. International coverage and perception would be all too quick to paint us a royalists and give us a quick dismissal. We want results, regardless of what we feel now, we must find a middle, acceptable path that takes in a wider group of ideas and perceptions. Let's let history be the judge of jana andolan and its motivations; I'm sure we'll be vindicated.
blogdai will use our media contacts for distribution. All of us, however, can copy and email the letter to the major news house websites. Who can compile this list and post it here? Much appreciated.
Also, our field contacts will be charged with translating the letter to Nepali and public distribution. PKS, you are on the ground, do you need help with this? A few thousand rupees would defray your printing costs that's for sure. Let me know.
YCL is the precise manifestation of why we need to restore law and order, agreed. If we do not act, more YCL type groups will be emboldened to move forward.
Per the law and order question, I see the need for further revision but am not sure how it is to be done. We must give the NA a certain lattitude, yes, but not give them complete free rein. Perhaps something like "... establish a coercion and intimidation-free environment in those areas currently oppressed by violent forces." How's that for starters. Also, "..the NA will be given the mandate that no Nepali will be forced to live their lives under threat of violence. The army will further be charged with banning any public displays of weaponry in the hands of non-government personnel." Remember, we are restoring order here first, so it will be a bit restrictive and uncomfortable.
I hope things are moving well. Let us know if we can do anything else to expedite the process.
On a slightly different note now... earlier you mentioned that your next column touches upon 'people's right to self-determination' (or something to that effect), and, in today's environment where our leaders, rebels, and all the wannabe politicos indiscrimately pay visit to the South block on every possible occassion, I gather your column will shed light on India's determination to thwart Nepali people's right to self-determination also.
RPP guy Thapa recently got back from New Delhi and delivered Signora Sonia's message to Koirala. Now it is Home Minister Situala's turn to get whipped by the Madam. And Madam Sonia most likely intends to participate in orgy of political mud wrestling with Upendra Yadav who coincidentally happens to be there at opportune moment. How damn convenient!
I want to know your answers to Anon 3:33pm's questions?
He or she has some very valid questions but they have been overlooked.
I love the enthusiasm guys but perhaps it should be tempered with reality?
Anon quite rightly points out that it will be difficult for your letter to carry out any weight because you are all, essentially, anonymous people on a blog and have no standing with media outlets, political parties, civil society or any one else who can give your views the exposure that you would like.
Blogdai has mentioned that he will use his media contacts but -and no offense to BD- but i am a little bit skeptical about how well connected this man is having read his previous posts.
I also find it difficult to understand the logistics of this operation when, in all likelihood, none of you are based in Nepal. I suppose it is possible that you all suffer from insomnia but more likely you are in North America. How will you even come close to raising the eyelids of Nepali's in Kathmandu from the USA? Especially, given my suspicion that many of you are not even Nepali (Sorry Blogdai -but your syntax is just not right man and i study languages!)
Its clear that you all love Nepal and that is to be commended. It's great for Nepal but perhaps you can be a little more pragmatic and work with groups that have some sort of influence in Nepal rather than write letters that are being written every day from political students at the TU?
Waiting for a Blogdai rebuke but dude, seriously, do you think its all about you?
Its about Nepal, baby.
One of the Anonymous posts above rightly questioned the relevance of a "Position Paper" authored by a bunch of mostly anonymous bloggers (now labeled 'Nepal Council for Peace??). Politics is compromise and pragmatism - not wishful thinking. Terms like "we - the People" and "the masses" have been bandied around recklessly by various bloggers including Blogdai.
I may be wrong, but (like Sushila above) I think the majority of bloggers here are living outside Nepal. No matter how shrill the voices of expatriate Nepalis are, they are mere words not action. Further, it is the height of hypocrisy for these expatriate voices to urge people in Nepal to act. Folks, please get realistic and realize your limitations as armchair politicians.
The SPA needs to disband and include all the democratic parties (not just the current 7) to form an united democratic front against the leftist alliance the Maoists are trying to put together. This democratic front will do well to include the Monarchy as an integral part of its platform. The CA elections can be won by this front if action is taken immediately. Herein lies the solution - not to jump at exhorting the (R)NA to take over! That may be a necessary evil if all else fails, but not yet.
thomas pedersen denmark.
hi. now i have come to this blog as you said. Im not totally sure how this works, but Im glad to see that a blog has been made by decent people and not only republicans.
Yes, by all means lets "realize our limitations." Let's realize them right into failed statehood, shall we?
God, this MUST be a good idea since it is getting under every do-nothing coward's skin. I wish you all could see the hit total on our counter. Lot's of IP's from India.
Listen friends on this thread: A good idea is almost always met by a barrage of criticism. Those who have neither the skill nor motiviation to change events and history will try desperately to include you in their midst by telling you what you "can't" do. If they can't they try to make you think you can't. Nothing is farther from the truth. Take it as encouragement to go forward.
I've answered 3:33. It was two postings down at 4:25. What more can be said? If you can't follow the thread then save your criticisms for like minded individuals seeking to blurt out unsubstantiated contrarianisms.
Read it again and then re-ask a better question.
Politics may very well be the art of "compromise and pragmatism" and if we had any elements of those terms in Nepal's current parliament, we wouldn't be in the state we are in, would we? Show my a Girija compromise. Show me a pragmatic Prachanda act.
I'm always amused by those comments that stress "who the hell are you" type comments. Well, who is anyone to start a popular movement? shall we wait until we are properly credentialled? Perhaps bribe our way into the NC? Kind of negates the "popular" in a popular movement, doesn't it? In fact, that is the point exactly. Papers like ours seek to give voice to the voiceless. Read my 4:25 comment for more, I've answered this already.
By all means we need to form some alliance to take care of that leftist movement and debate this and form that. Problem is, blogdai doesn't find anyone in Nepali politics (Nepali is correct. Nepalese is colonial, condecending and literally implies a display of Nepali-like aspects but not of Nepali origin)who can agree on anything much less form a group to debate and discuss with those who will not debate and discuss. Quit flogging that dead horse, it is the very reason we must act now-- we've had a plate-full of do-nothingness.
Blogdai is getting an awful lot of this tone of rebuttal. Sounds suspiciously like an "everything will be ok, just leave it alone and Indian will eventually take over.." conspiracy.
Still working on that last paragraph. PKS, send me an email. I've prepared a drop for you in Kathmandu.
Sansar, Free, Bhudai, Yadav, B and the rest. (God we make an unlikely pairing, don't we?) blogdai needs distribution suggestion and emails above and beyond the regular news outlets. Can you all help?
Blogdai thinks it's a good idea for as many as possible to go over to Pushpa's site and register an email address with him. Get the numbers up and all that.
Blogdai, there you go again with your name calling. You have no right to call anyone a "do-nothing coward", sitting in your ivory tower and pontificating. You did not dare address my contention that most bloggers here live outside Nepal. That in itself proves I am correct. Good luck with your letter, but it will most likely be wiping someone's arse. Incidentally, I am Nepali and I have read your 4:33 - not much there!
My apologies, the previous post should read 'horatio' instead of hor and 4:25 instead of 4:33.
Let me get to the point quickly because I don’t have much time. Need to quickly make $$$ to fund our operation in Kathmandu. Perhaps pay our way to Kantipur or Nepali Times and get our letter published. Advantage: NRN!
Once we get the final draft we could possibly implement the following??
1. Those who agree to the sentiment expressed by all visitors here need to start their own mass emailing. Nepalis let or other Nepalis know, heck, don’t even have to be Nepali – let anyone know of grassroots activism taking place. Send copies to virtually anyone who gives a damn about situation in Nepal.
2. Perhaps create an online petition for far-flung people to access through this blog and various others – have them sign their name and location while PKS prepares paper petition for people to sign in Nepal.
Here’s an inspiration (and some perspective):
If a supposed ‘manifesto’ by an undersexed bunch called Charitraheen Chelis finds itself on national media, our letter may very well find its way to Koirala’s desk.
I am willing to help in anyway possible just let me know how. Whether it is financial or other wise.
And to all of those who question the significance of this letter, all i can say to you is, this letter is not suppose to change Nepal but just get the ball rolling. Any action is better than inaction.
I have already mailed PKS and may be that would have given my email id to him. However, how do i get to his website?
Blogdai: I can definetly help with the distribution!!! Let me what needs to be done...
I think outlets like Nepali Times is a good start. But there are more. Let me think this over and tinker with some other ideas!
Bhudai Pundit
"Any action is better than inaction."
Bhudai Pundit
What about the foreign expats living in Nepal. I have a mailing list of most of the expats and embassy people in Nepal. May be that would help as well. Let me know what you think
Nepal: Crowning Of A Democratic Front?
By Maila Baje
If the eight parties in power can agree on one thing, it's the transience of public opinion. So it's hardly surprising that the purported meeting between King Gyanendra and Nepal Army chief Gen. Rukmangad Katuwal has kicked up the storm it has.
Obviously, the two men didn't spend all that time ruminating on how King Mahendra might have dealt with the kingdom's crisis. As any two Nepali adults are likely to do, the king and the commander in chief must have reviewed the year's politics.
Long on bravado and theatrics, the first year of "loktantra" was devoid of both the popular and procedural connotations of the word. By linking Nepal's salvation with the abolition of the monarchy, the Seven Party Alliance (SPA) and the Maoists simply overreached.
In blaming the 238-year-old crown for Nepal's plight, they failed to project themselves as agents of real change. Through word and deed, the SPA and Maoists continue to show that the king is the only thing keeping them together.
Whipping up anti-palace fervor will no doubt continue to energize their base. The "people" whose "mandate" the ruling alliance invokes ad nauseum cannot be taken for granted. After all, it was the royal regime's persistence in going after the mainstream parties in the name of subduing the Maoists that really set off the final countdown.
Nepalis in general may not yearn for the sense of regularity the royal regime could maintain. Nor may they recall the monarch's invocation of Article 127 of the erstwhile constitution as the paragon of rule of law. The rest of the world watching Nepal has had time to ponder.
The United Nations is becoming uncharacteristically candid in admonishing the Maoists. The United States' intolerance for the SPA's reliance on the ex-rebels' good faith has had reverberations in the Nepali Congress and other constituents.
Indian public opinion seems to be struck by the sudden spurt in anti-Indian militancy - in its Islamic as well as Naxal dimensions - stemming from democratic Nepal. The Chinese may be typically quiet. But the frequency of Kathmandu-datelined stories the Free Tibet movement has been generating must have raised a new set of questions in Beijing.
Surya Bahadur Thapa, fresh from extensive talks in New Delhi, has urged Koirala to lead a democratic front against the communists that dominate the interim legislature. Home Minister Krishna Prasad Sitaula has used the customary "medical treatment" excuse - he is said to be suffering from hearing loss - to fly into New Delhi.
Yet Sitaula, who had managed to slip into India a week after the royal takeover to announce that the Nepali Congress would join hands with the Maoists, can expect an earful from his political handlers.
US Ambassador James F. Moriarty is said to have advised Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala to send the army chief with a message to the king seeking support for a democratic front. (How ironic. It was the other way around in April 2006.)
To fortify his flank, the premier acquiesced in - if not instigated - the leaking of that news. (Nothing new for the Nepali Congress. It was interim prime minister Krishna Prasad Bhattarai in 1990 who had leaked that "odious" palace draft of the 1990 constitution.)
If a democratic front including the monarchy is actually being conceived, what form might it take? Specifically, what would be the role of the monarchy? Those who know King Gyanendra, more so after April 2006, recognize the consistency in his understanding of the role and responsibilities of the monarchy.
Clearly, nomenclature won't matter here. During the height of the Panchayat system, Nepal was still called a constitutional monarchy. The removal of royal prefixes from the army and other state institutions shouldn't make that much of a difference. The monarchy's leadership of the army remains at the center of the history of modern Nepal's emergence.
The renaming of the Royal Nepal Airlines and the Royal Nepal Academy cannot obscure the fact that both institutions were created under the monarchy as part of its campaign to consolidate Nepal's independent identity. The much-publicized removal of King Gyanendra's portrait from banknotes cannot change that key piece of monetary history: It was under King Mahendra that the rupee began its rise as the national currency under a fully fledged central bank.
Conceptually, a "ceremonial" monarchy remains as elusive as the "constructive" monarchy King Gyanendra had envisaged a few years ago. On the road to a "new" Nepal, it's precisely this amorphousness that alarms our republicans the most.
B (above) wants to include "foreign expats" (aren't all expats foreign??)in this letter campaign. The only expats who can make a difference in Nepal are the Indian and the US governments who can support democratic forces against the leftist alliance. So don't waste your time with the others.
I think all who wish to sign the letter should be welcomed.
Thanks to all for doing your individial parts. There is a real momentum building on this thing.
blogdai will try to have the final draft ready and a new post up and running in 24 hours. In the meantime, I need PKS's site address, not just the email, so we can refer to others. Or, we can just send signatures to blogdai's email in the interim.
I also think it carries weight if we have organizations signing as a group: i.e. nepal businesmen, hotel owners of nepal, nepal bar assn. etc. any contacts there would be most welcome.
So, the new post will start with some brief blogdai blather, followed by the letter, then a list of addresses, if we can get them, for each and every reader to send their copy of the letter, and a link or two to petition signing emails or sights. any other thoughts?
Blogdai: let's also get this letter out all the Nepali organizations around the world.
I have found a list here:
Bhudai Pundit
thomas pedersen,
nice to see you here...can you tell me are you a Nepali or Danish or what?
It was me who asked you at to come here and talk.
Interesting question: would you support a letter written by someone you can not identify with?
If if pick up your letter, I will want to know who Blogdai et al is?
Also, can i suggest you tone down your wording and use evidence to support your assertions?
Boxcutter's Friend.
Not trying to be rude, but who is Blogdai?
Can you really trust a man who uses an obviously fake name?
No, not really, but who's asking you to trust the man? It has never been about who you are here at blogdai, only what you say, you drive-by cynic.
And what was the other one with the poor usage: Oh, can you trust a man "you can't identify with?" Other than ending your sentence with a preposition, mr. non-english expat, you probably just meant to say "can't identify." Am I right? Even if I'm not, we don't ask anyone to identify with blogdai, only identify with what is being said. there we are finding lots and lots of like-minded identifiers--at least on this topic. by the way, who said blogdai was a man? and who said blogdai was a fake name?
so, you weaklings (always posting in pairs, hmmm.) the cause isn't enough, you have to know who blogdai is before you'll agree to do something for Nepal. Fear of failure or do you just want to take an Indian's typical no-risk bet? and what is "evidence" to you? Just something you'll agree on as part of your position? And what assertions do you speak of that have not already been explained over and over again? We get tired of proving our assertions here so now we've chosen to act.
Ok, blogdai always has to waste time fending off these flies and boo-birds. On to the good stuff.
bhudai that is fantastic. I'll get on the list immediately.
got a few surprises planned so stay tuned. Remember, we must let this idea continue to grow and gain support. We submit when a good political critical mass is reached, so bear with me and let's try to be patient.
PKS, still need to hear from you.
haven't checked out the hamrokhabar site, but will do so now.
-=Pushpa Kamal Blogdai, son of Bima and Mukti Blogdai of Lekhnath.
Yeah all expats are foreiners and i did not need to mention it. You are right. I think we should let as many people as we can know about this letter regardless of their nationality just to let people know whats cooking. It would be good if we can get the expat community talking about it too. Good publicity.
Blogdai, what you say is not convincing without knowing WHO YOU ARE. For all we know, you are a Maoist mole trying to see how the other side thinks. So give up your identity if you really want to get this blog site roaring.
You seem like an intelligent enough person but what the hell is your obsession with Blogdai's identity? Does it matter? Who the hell cares? You are being extreamly childish.
All those people who ask for identities of others should immediately furnish their complete IDs along with pictures (link to their pictures and videos) and addresses. They may want something but to begin with we want everything related to them.
And if they can't do that...any comment posted in order to ask for Identity should be immediately banned. People who do not know the 'ethics' of internet can go and rot. SPAM warlords and their cadres and comrades don't know the ethics of real life as well as virtual life. And yes, also ask SPAM warlords to furnish how much they have extorted out of Nepal.
Well said, why should anyone reveal his/her identity.. go way you hypocrite, you are annoying me.
Anonymous (sarki ko choro)
thank you very much. To answer your question, I am danish, not Nepali.
I am the real PKS.
That was my blogging name up until about a couple of months ago.
I deleted the account because i was fed up with blogs on Nepal.
I did not write any of the above comments. I am sorry Blogdai but i just got bored of Blogs in general and couldn't continue writing for you because I do not have any spare time to do so.
PS. Good luck with your blog and the very best of luck with your letter.
Oh no worries,
Since it's inception, there have been blogdai conspiracies and many hollow threats to "reveal" something soon. They never amount to anything and no one really cares. I come to this blog for the commentary and Blogdai's bite. It's wicked fun sometimes.
thomas pedersen,
thanks for your reply. so tell us a little about you...if you would. have you been to Nepal? Why do you have interest in Nepal and Monarchy?
I know Denmark has Monarchy but why do you have interest in Nepal?
So wonderful to hear from Thomas Pedersen!
Thank you so much for your introductory remarks. Funny how a completely unrelated and parallel thread can begin here, just now, on blogdai of all places! Why it almost feels like an intentional distraction, ha, ha!
Guess what Thomas? I'll have to delete you and your little friendship blather if you don't get on message soon, ok? ha, ha!
Blogdai, so where is the promised letter that will (in one of the above blogger's words) start the ball rolling? Despite my scepticism and overtly negative comments, I am curious to see how realistic and action-oriented the recommendations of this letter will be. Hey, I might even put my name to it!
Yes, agreed that there is no point in making a big issue out of bloggers having to reveal their identities. But then we must also accept the fact that this diminishes bloggers' credibility and clout. Imagine Prachanda trying to conduct his 'people's war' as a blogger on the internet!
Implying that anonymous bloggers don't enjoy the "credibility and clout" of Prachanda is foolish and misplaced. Logic. It is the very fact that Prachanda demonstrates his lack of credibility daily through his goonish actions and self-contradictory pronouncements that makes a large pool of anonymous bloggers with a sane, logical stance all the more necessary and vital to the discussion.
The letter has been written already. Obviously, in your heated rush to criticise, you've failed to follow the thread here. We are all having a problem with the wording of the last paragraph. It must be vital, action-oriented, yet not allow for too much abuse by the army. Did you bother to read that?
Credibility is established on this blog by those who bother to read and pay attention to what has been previously posted. I suggest you try to comprehend this fact lest your opinions fall on deaf ears from now on.
This blog is the greatest!
Its full of large egos clashing daily. Love it!
Great entertainment guys -keep it up!
"Implying that anonymous bloggers don't enjoy the "credibility and clout" of Prachanda is foolish and misplaced." -Blogdai
I can't believe your ego and delusion!
You enjoy no credibility or clout in Nepal. Absolutely no one has heard of you, and as commendable as your letter is, it will gain little support because you have not earned the right to any credibility.
Its not that i disagree with your views but your arrogance towards other people is astonishing and shows me that you are unable to see or understand other peoples points of views or where they are coming from.
I couldn't write on your blog any more because i couldn't stomach your arrogance any more.
PKS / Ian
I am not going to rebut blogdai on his snide remarks above. PKS and Ian have already said it all.
How can we make suggestions for the wording of the last paragraph of this Letter without seeing the preceding paragraphs???
Ian/PKS: It isn't about Blogdai's credibility or who wrote the letter. The purpose of the letter is get activism started and get people thinking, moving etc. It doesn't matter who wrote the letter. Besides if the letter gets the momentum then "Credible" people might start to endorse it.
The point is to get the word out and articulate what's wrong in Nepal and offer a fresh prespective. I don't see why you and Ho are so hung up with names!
Anyway I am also waiting to see the letter.
Bhudai Pundit
All the detractors and SPAM warlords and their cadres and comrades...kindly back off from here.
So let's keep the protest and the letter part going on.
My suggestion remains that I am ready to sign off the letter providing the letter is in the best interest of Nepal.
All right kiddies, the letter, if you'll remember, was written by Free way back up in the post. I asked all of you to come up with revisions and ideas and some of you did but most of you responded with criticism. Is our sole purpose to critique, blame and offer nothing real as an alternative? So be it. It shows a low level of understanding when some of you can't sit down and work out a solution among those with whom you disagree.
Look again at Free's letter and post your own revisions here. I've mentioned before that Free's letter is a good template. I've been waiting and waiting for more ideas so get to it please. I'll have my version of the last paragraph shortly.
Ian, wish you luck mate. Hope you find what you're looking for.
Ok, here's a draft of the last paragraph. blogdai had some good comments about this new revision so here it is. I had to turn the last paragraph into two.
"Your failed leadership has contributed greatly to the present dire security situation in Nepal. It is to this fact that we must demand that the Prime Minister and Parliament suspend its operation and public commentary immediately.
We further demand that the National Army, or any legitimate security force requested, begin operations that will directly lead to the restoration of law and order and peace in Nepal. These operations include: an active presences of NA forces wherever possible, a committment to fair adjudication of disputes and the active suppression and confiscation of all firearms displayed publicly by those not directly employed in Nepal's army or police services."
Try that for a last draft. Whittle it down if you can so it's less long-winded.
Remember, this is a position paper. We want these things. and it is our opinion that this is required to restore peace. I say this because some of you will respond that an active army presence is not possible everywhere. True, but let that realization sink in to the point where our next position paper will address actual village self-security and policing. We're building here, not creating.
I'll be waiting for something constructive.
Second draft here. Read it and suggest. I still don't know how to sign the letter, so I just put "Citizens of Nepal" ideas? -=BD
To the Seven-Party Alliance and Maoist leadership:
We, the concerned citizens of Nepal placed our trust in the Seven Party Alliance just over a year ago. It was our hope that the leadership entrusted with bringing Nepal into a new era of democracy and freedom through the Jana Andolan movement would continue in the spirit of last year’s demonstrations and re-introduce effective and competent governance to Nepal.
Since that time we have been saddened to observe a return to the same style of ineptitude, corruption and political bickering that marked the previous 15 years under this same leadership.
Under your tenure of the past year, Nepal has begun to spiral downwards towards anarchy and the complete disregard for the rule of law; threatening not only Nepal’s sovereignty, but the very safety of its citizens. It is because of this current untenable situation that we now must withdraw our support for your leadership and express our opinion of “no confidence” towards this Prime Minister and Parliament.
We also refuse to cooperate or give legitimacy to any force that uses brutality and coercion as a mean of furthering their agenda under the guise of restructuring Nepal. Be it Maoism or any other movement, we strongly object to welcoming such groups into government with their violent adherence to their own sense of ideological supremacy undeterred and unchanged by our constitutionally established rules of governance.
Your failed leadership has contributed greatly to the present dire security situation in Nepal. It is to this fact that we must demand that the Prime Minister and Parliament suspend its operation and immediately refrain from further deliberations.
We demand that the National Army, or any legitimate security force requested, begin operations that will directly lead to the restoration of law and order and peace in Nepal. These operations include an active presences of NA forces wherever possible, a committment to fair adjudication of disputes and the active suppression and confiscation of all firearms displayed publicly by those not directly employed in Nepal's army or police or authorized security services.
Citizens of Nepal
There is no other "legitimate security force" in Nepal except the NA, the Armed Police and the Police. If we discount the last two, for obvious reasons, only the NA remains. Does the NA have the capacity to ensure law and order? Since the letter asks the PM and Parliament to suspend operations, presumably the NA is expected to step into this governance vacuum. Does the NA have the capacity to govern the country? Will not the Maoists resort immediately to urban guerilla warfare? What then happens to peace as well as law and order?
I don't know the answers. I just hope those who support this letter do.
I will get back in details later. But right at the moment I will just respond to Horatio...the People's Movement (most call it the Mob and Goon movement) has given the power to the warlords and we have seen the mayhem which shows no signs of stopping...
Now we must give the power to RNA and the mayhem (may) carry on for a few more days but it will come to an end because the Maoists and warlords will have no where else to hide. We are fighting against barbarians (SPAM) and we can't win this fight if we continue being pimps.
Although I am one of those 'not-literally inclined' I will try and get back to working on the letter within next 20 hours...
The rest of you can provide suggestions and points to include...
And then we will need to sign off the letter (anonymously allowed) and circulate it as massively as possible! And try and make sure our voices are heard. In the absence of a legitimate government and an opposition party to this illegitimate government we the people need to speak out...
- change for better
- change for democracy
Other "legitimate security force" was put in as an opening to village militias. Rooting out maoist violence village to village the way we are seeing in some parts of the the west is the only real way to snuff out maoist violence at its roots. i felt it necessary to leave open the possibility.
You are right, the letter most definitely suggests a military takeover of government. We need to regain control before we slip into total anarchy. As in many a military coup, civilian operations are left alone so that day to day governance goes undisturbed. Really, government is not functioning under this current administration, so how bad a job could the military do?
goood stuff people. c'mon, blogdai wants to hear more input and ideas. I'd like to have the letter and a final article up and running in the next few days.
RE: signatures. Just like those cheap chain letters you get in the email, try a little memo to everyone on your contacts list and enclose a copy of the letter. Ask them to support the letter with a yes and a name they'd like to be known by. Their e-mail will be verification enough as we will encourage those in power in nepal to check the validity of our support by emailing those on our list. Then tell everyone in you email to send the same thing to everyone on their contacts list and so on.
If anyone has a better way to do this, let me know. Pushpa, dai, let's hear from you on your method of getting signatures and where the hell is your website?
ah! things come in circle, so glad, lived to see this day.
blogdai, do you remember your entry Sujata's Travels in your blog dated, may 22, 2005, and around the same time, you were ubiquitos in every blog, alleging Koirala clan paid for the DC rally aganist the monarch take over, and protestors were paid to attend.
May be koirala family did, or may be they didn't, that was beside the point, but people attended that really on their free will (at least the people i know of and myself), they gave up their precious time to come to rally and have their voice heard. that was just a small example of 'check and balance' that nobody can get away with free pass.
I may not agree with your politics/ideology but you have your right to plan/orgnize/mobilize to have your voice heard. And what you're trying to do here is laudable, since the government is not functioning well, somehow it becomes people burden to send some sort of warnings.
How would you feel now, if i were to accuse you of being in the payroll of 'Narayanhiti darbar'? Mobilizing all these delusional youths, and you are a shill for royalist. You may be on their pay roll or you may not be, just an allegation.
That wouldn't be fair on my part would it? You wouldn't feel good about it, exactly, we didn't feel good about it, your allegation that some koirala paid us to go to DC. We genuienly felt what king did was wrong then, so we were there, and you genuienly feel now what politicians are doing now is wrong, so you have come up with this LETTER.
So what goes around comes around, you might have some profound things to say, but you are not mature enough (thought you are at your early forties).
That's not how you build consensus, you need to re-learn the fundamental of politics.
Good luck with your letter, I will still sign it (albeit that army take over part). Darbar dosen't have to pay me, to amend where correction is due, so did no koirala paid us to participate in DC rally.
Oye Muneer Yadav,
The cadre of SPAM warlords...guess don't have a brain to decipher the right from the wrong...
You sound so drastically like that Sharmendra Bhagat...both idiots
- change for better
- change for democracy
You know, Muneer, you've just got to learn to let things go if you want Nepal to go forward. Blogdai writes a column, mostly of blogdai's observations and OPINIONS. To try and create a "gotcha" moment by tying this letter campaign into something I said a long time ago is pathetic.
So, "gotcha" because my article against the king last year (Hey King, you blew it) proves I'm no royalist. See? we could go on and on.
Blogdai is staggered into blubbering when such festering old grudges surface. People, we used to act like this in primary school. Grow up and move forward. And what form of schizophrenia makes you happy as a lark with our program on one post and makes you fall into deep irrelevant criticisms the next? Are you reliable enough for this campaign sir?
(I have to take a rest now since I'm in my forties, ha!)
Ok, I'm back. You wasted a whole post on nothing! What was the point of it all? Our columns are designed to stimulate, anger and above all generate discussion. Who cares whether or not you agree, disagree or have remained deeply hurt for the last year over a stupid column.
So let's get going on this together, shall we? Muddling around in old unrelated issues and wasting time on useless comments serves no purpose--unless you want a seat in Parliament.
Pushpa, blogdai is waiting to hear from you. If you are on the ground in Kathmandu, let me know. After our posting, we'll have the letter translated into Nepali for street distribution. Are you in?
We've found a representative who is willing to hand-deliver the letter to the Nepal embassy in Washington early this summer. Exciting.
Hey Muneer:
There is a little problem with your argument. It's wrong because Sujata Koirala did in fact fund that protest. Maybe you, personally, didn't get any benefit but nonetheless she was the financer.
The military option cannot happen unless it is preceeded by democratic legitimacy.
What are you talking about? "Democratic Legitimacy," is only earned after the pillars of democracy are put into place: respect for the rights of the minority, judiciary balance, a non-violent commitment to the resolution of disputes, THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE RULE OF LAW, and others.
Do you even know what you are saying when you use terms like "democratic legitimacy?" Are you saying a military entitity cannot stage a coup without the legitimate support of an electorate? Are you saying we must wait until our unelected leaders decide to let citizens vote them out of office in favor of a military through and election process that will never happen? Don't just spout off ridiculous terms because you think it makes you sound smart. Tell us what you mean, if you have the capacity, by "democratic legitimacy."
You ideological idiots. Spouting your political nonsense to perpetuate your Che Guevara fantasies. Grow up, make some sense, get a life, whatever. Pick one, but keep your disassociated monotoned pronouncements off this blog.
Muneer you are full of holes.
How come there has been no big protests since Sujata left the U.S.? There is much to be mad about.
If you started DC protest on your own why don't you start one now against Maoibadis and Government. They make country in worse condition than King ever has.
Have a rally to suppord Blog dai letter. That would be good use of your organizing talent and Blog dai would be happy.
I can't understand why Kantipur continues to operate in Nepal. No one trusts Kantipur and everyone know that it is a Pro-Girija and specially Indian fed media house. Its copies are burnt daily, it's journalists are beaten by every power house goons in Nepal, it's offices are burnt and torn down. And the reason is very simple: Kantipur believes in Blasphemy. Kantipur writes blatant lies and vicious propaganda and continues to operate from Nepal as a 'reputed' media house for outsiders. I say it's time we take against Kantipur and kick it out. It's news are distorted and lies. Look here how Kantipur gave 3 different versions of the story:
- NC district heads press leadership for pro-republic declaration paper
- Parliament has no authority to announce republic: NC district heads
- Republic should be established in time after removing king's power: PM
Compare the news with Nepalnews or any other news source. I say boycott Kantipur and bring it down. We no longer should let Kantipur operate! They are against Maoists, against King, against Nepalis, against SPA...they just belong to Girija and India!
- change for better
- change for democracy
Your analysis is the precise reason why outfits like Kantipur MUST be allowed to speak: They teach us to view news with a critical eye. It is through such journalism that we learn to think for ourselves.
In a democracy, if we truly have on, such voices should be allowed. We cannot simply shut out those we do not want to hear: Only girija has been able to do that so far.
I don't mind Kantipur typing or writing blasphemy. It hardly matters to me or any Nepalis. The problem is that foreign news agencies like AFP and AP and others buy news from Kantipur as they think that Kantipur is the biggest/bestest/reliabelest media house in Nepal...and Kantipur is not!
I also don't mind media typing an opposing point of view. But media typing lies and bull and crap to distort the facts is not needed. In every country media is regulated and Nepal should be no exception. Before others try to criticise us for regulating media we should ask the Ameroins and Indians to stop regulating the Internet and their media...India is the country with most viciously regulated media in the world after probably Zimbabwe and China. Kantipur (a foreign funded media house) is getting too smart for it's cause in Nepal.
Of course we will get better when he have an opposition but as you said SPAM doesn't believe in Opposition and forces it matters on us.
Say NO to Kantipur. Prosecute Kantipur.
- change for better
- change for democracy
God! When some tough questions are thrown at you, you pull up your guard, and get into offensive gear, any pertinent issue becomes irrelevent, and i have been digging the grave to square the old bones.
now, blogdai, there is a word called CREDEBILITY, not just a killer word for scrabble, means something, and you might've read the parable 'kalu ra pada' in your middle school. How Kalu squanders his good faith, when there is a real leopard to take his calves away, there is no one to help.
Since you are the fore bearer of the mantle of this movement (Letter thingy), and if you expect people to follow you. At least we deserve to ask where you stand in your ideology/politics. Or is it to much to ask for, since you've already labled 'Nepalis' stupid, the burden is on us to prove otherwise.
But, if you are preaching to the already converted, and if there is no room for question. I've nothing to say.
And, how is your past standing now totally irrelevent? If we were to give you free pass that easy, why not to Prachanda-dai, and girija-dai?
so, people, do your home work, read blogdai's past entries, visti other blogs, what he had to say there.
NOW TO THE MONGRELS of blogdai, i've no response to you people, you guys are beyond reason!!
Muneer is right.
To get blogdai's position on all things nepali and political, READ THE BLOG for god's sake. It would save a lot of back tracking and repetition. blogdai gets tired of rehashing the same old shit.
When you've completed, you should come to the conclusion that blogdai:
--Is not a royalist but a realist.
--Is decidedly anti koirala and anti Paras. (god i wish i had time to lampoon his drunken royal highness, but alas he has become too pathetic and irrelevant to be funny anymore)
--is in favor of any representative form of government that brings peace.
--has no faith in how the word "democracy" is used in Nepal.
--Thinks Prachanda is an unreliable goon and Babu Ram is an insane rambling idiot.
Add a few more blogdai positions as you find them. Muneer is the first, YES FIRST person to mention another blogdai pet peave: research. Everyone research your opinions if you want a good ansers. Research blogdai's history of columns and responses before asking the same old uninformed questions we hear over and over.
Thank you muneer for this insight.
Muneer Yadav is a SPAM warlord cadre and a hoodlum. There is no use arguing with a donkey who repeats the same tone. He thinks the same way...Killing is the best method.
He is an idiot if he is not a royalist...because in Nepal there is only one option...Democracy+Monarchy...the other option is Terrorism and SPAMocracy and Muneer Yadav aka Sharmendra Bhagat belongs to the second option. Your blog talks a lot of Terrorists and that's why no visits that or comments on that. Keep off you lampoon. Bark as much as you want in your blog. You are typical like those SPAM warlords...everyone went against you and yet you have the indecency to come back to defend your heinous words.
And as for Prince Paras's drinking he is better than Harry and Williams anyday...if you don't know about the details of Harry and Williams first find that out.
- change for better
- change for democracy
Blogdai: I think I should let you know that several people (namely B) have pointed out in UWB that they are unable to access your website. People are begining to suspect that the site has become banned in Nepal.
Bhudai Pundit
Muneer, don't call the blind followers "mongrels", it's an insult to the mongrels!
The letter seems to have gotten stuck in the last paragraph, and seems to be loosing momentum.
While I still think that the last paragraph needs re-working, I'd just like too add a comment.
One of the reasons that the whole peace process seems to be stuck is that the Maoist side is not adhering to either the spirit or the letter of the aggreement, while the government seems to be bending over backwards not to offend the maoists. This situation in itself, to me, seems to be a cause enough for the aggreement to fail (again according to the clauses of the agreement itself). Last week a bunch of maoists attacked a police post, isn't this a clear violation of the "peace" accord. (seems more like a "piss" accord now)
One other point that needs to be raised seriously is the issue of child soldiers. (you may not have enough space on this letter, but it's what it is).
- paper tiger
Well, it is a position paper and must address one specific topic: restoring order. Child soldiers are a terrible phenomenon and can only point to the further illegitimacy of Prachanda's army.
If we are banned in Nepal then the letter has succeeded even before its release! Is the King back in power? I thought only G. was ruthless enough to ban a "free" media. No, wait, the maoists beat up journalists who disagree with them; Could a "People's" parliament actually ban free speech and freedom of the press? Will make more contacts and let you know.
Don't confuse proper timing with a loss of momentum. We must get the word out gradually and let the talk circulate. If we are banned then the talk will skyrocket. Thanks Girija!
Blogdai: I suggest you verify that this is in fact the case before jumping to any conclusions.
Bhudai Pundit
The feeble Nepal Army isn't going to restore order in Nepal. Please, please, please, don't delude yourself .It simply-will-not-work.
An insurgency out of control will not be quelled so easily. The world's superpower couldn't do it in Vietnam, can't do it in Iraq. A former superpower couldn't do it in Afghanistan. The rag-tag Nepal Army is going to do it where the mighty have failed?
Oh by all means, whatever you say, It will not work. Yes, let's not upset all that we've achieved now and all the wonderful progress we are making.
Well what will work? Doing nothing? Order must be restored and the NA is in the only position to do so. Just the credible knowledge that the NA is conducting operations will serve as a deterrent. Despite what others will say, the army DID have an impact.
Unbelievable. Not everything is viet nam or Iraq. Maoists are routines beaten back into the woods by determined villagers. Why can we not tap that energy through the army?
Manan, you must get past this sense of defeatism; picking some analogy from history as an excuse to do nothing. WE MUST ACT. And we must throw some form of physical deterrent at the Maoists NOW.
On the topic of law and order, this is absolutely hilarious and also pathetic at the same time...
"There is much talk in the Nepali media about the atrocities committed
by the YCL (Young Communist League) - the recently formed youth wing
of the CPN-Maoists. To the informed observer however, this band of
misfits is nothing more than a bunch of "young, confused and lost"
adolescents, robbed of their right to a proper childhood by a band of
power-hungry Bahunists (and their anachronistic ideology)...."
"The media's portrayal of the fearless YCL is in some sense, grossly
exaggerated. At the most fundamental level of analysis, the "young,
confused and lost" are products of violence, forced indoctrination,
and a brand of education that is sufficient to make these individuals
dangerous, but insufficient to raise their awareness to the point
where they become independent, informed, decision makers...."
"At the end of the day, the "young, confused and lost" represent
precisely what the Maoists (minus the mysticism) are all about - a
bunch of stray dogs, pissing on a bamboo pole, that hoists the Maoist
flag, on supposedly "captured," Royal property in Salla Ghari,
Bhaktapur. This is what it all boils down to...."
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Paraphrasing P.J. O'Rourke:
"It's more fun for bored, impoverished little boys to run around in the woods with guns than it is for them to sit around in despair."
The analogy from Manan was one of the most stupid comments coming from the mouths of the SPAMmers.
In all his examples, the Army failed because they were foreign Army and the nationals of that particular country were against the foreign army. If you bomb my house and kill my 5 children and tell me that you are here to liberate me and give me democracy and freedom...well I will hate you in return.
Similar was the case why those wars failed. And this is the reason why RNA will succeed. Maoists and SPAM warlords have killed Nepalis by showing them some ugly future...and so RNA will have full support of the Nepalese nationals when it takes a fight against the SPAM warlords.
There is no country in the world where the Nationals go against the Army. Army is supported vigorously everywhere. Be it USA, Turkey, India or Japan. This is the reason why SPAM warlords are trying to weaken the RNA. They know that a weak RNA will not be able to defend itself and so will not be able to defend the Nepali people. So with a weak RNA they will be able to capture Nepal and puppetify it for a foreign neighbour or just hand it over.
Go RNA! We are with you!
I strayed in from UWB after hearing this site had been censored, it does not seem to be the case. However, I have come to make a point to all republicans who are also anti maoist thugs. Vote for a ceremonial monarchy and I can guarantee that the maoists will dissolve. Why? Because these thug leaders have promised one thing mainly to their cadres, which includes the thousands who lost their lives in the process - a republic if nothing else. If it is not achieved the thug leaders will be eliminated by their own cadres one by one. So press for CA and vote against a republic. I can smell the fear on Prachanda.
So republicans, I ask what would be easier to deal with after CA elections a ceremonial monarch or the maoists under a republican set up? Remember Gyanendra your hated King gave in to democratic demands with 21 lives lost,now think if Prachanda was in the same situation what do you think he would do - can you say the words slaughter in the thousands!
This site was blocked untill yesterday. I was the one who asked bhudai to inform everyone. But this site was blocked include maila baje's site aswell.
We need to decide on this fast. Do we need political freedom that borders on anarchy, indiscipline, and economic ruin or Do we need a system of governance that gurantees freedom with responsibility, checks and balances in economic front and insecure security and nationhood. The first option is what we have now, the second option is similar to one in Singapore.
All arguments means nothing. Now is the time to focus on one key point, a simple point and logic that actually does readress the situation and provides relief in short time. It might be harsh but MUST be done. I for one will forgo my rights to demonstrate, will obey traffic, will not act as ycl, will not think all rights to govern is vested in me as 8 party, and will not ride a stolen car.
Are you guys with me or not.
Okay Blogdai, im not totally sure what you ment, but I hope this will satisfy you.
and to the questions from anonymous, No I have never been to Nepal, but I have been reading books about Nepal and the history of the country and found information on the net. I have always been a monarchist and wanted to support monarchy, and I would be very sorry to see the last Hindu kingdom in the world disappear, and the maoist takeover of the country. I would really hope that there is something to be done to save the monarchy, and
its rich heritage and culture. Also I believe that Nepal would lose a tourist attraction by abolishing the monarchy.
Agreed. No one will come to Nepal to see our rich heritage of corrupt politicians.
That and perhaps a sense, however flawed through history, of unity. blogdai is for a ceremonial Monarch, but with some ability to render a political check and balance or stability. I'm not sure what form this would take, but perhaps a Queen Elizabethan model would be a good example. We've seen that this monarchy is just as incompetent at running the country as the politicians and maoists. Perhaps if they could all check each other it would minimize the damage until wwe all figure out how to run ourselves.
What else have we? Is Mt. Everest going to unify us all?
BY: P.B. Khatri
"The political interests of SPAM must not overshadow the rule of law and basic rights of the people. The SPA must realize that if the Maoists are not tamed properly then it is imminent that the next target of the Maoists will be the SPA themselves, mainly Nepali Congress and UML. Once the Maoists destroy the Monarchy and the National Army then it will be easy going for them to grab central power. They don't consider other political parties including NC and UML as major threats on their path to achieve the end state of their grand strategy."
Where is the damn letter?
All the politicians in Nepal including Blogdai are the same. They are all talk and no action. They complain about others all the time but they cannot see that they are culprits as well.
How long does it take to write a letter and send it? How can you expect the election to be conducted immediately when you cannot even finalize the letter in two weeks?
"...if the Maoists are not tamed properly...": from the piece by Mr. Khatri above. That's a big IF there. Who's to "tame" them? Politically, the SPA is hardly up to the task. So what remains? Who's going to do it militarily? I have read elsewhere that the mid-level officer corp in the NA is as good as anywhere in the world. If there are solid commanders at the battalion level, and maybe even at the brigade level, what's to stop the NA from taming the Maoists? The question arises as to why they were not able to do so between February 2005 and April 2006. The answer: lack of motivation. As long as the NA does not have the full political support for its campaign (just like the Peruvian Army had from its President Fujimori when it squashed the Shining Path communists), its half-hearted defensive manoeuvres will be futile. How many times did the NA (RNA then) go out on search and destroy missions? What/who held them back? In the answers lie the current and future capability of the NA. After all, wars are not won by generals poring over their planning boards but by the blood and guts of the soldiers and their commanders in the battlefront. Motivate those soldiers and the job is almost done.
Anon 3:33. I wouldn't worry so much about the letter. The concept of the letter has generated lots of useful discussion. Perhaps that was the main purpose of the letter.
3:33 you impatient brat. Life is not a video game. Take your short attention span elsewhere.
the letter is long finished. It is posted above, you twit. blogdai allowed an extended period to those who wanted to make changes. No major takers so the letter stands in its last form. We are building momentum here and a distribution network. Timing is everything, so your little instant gratification whining does you no good.
blogdai loves that PAPAD group who's got their panties in a wad. They are perfect allies for our letter, but we must get them past their demands for a CA election date and move them towards our action-based letter. A little more time and frustration and they'll be more receptive to our letter. They are good because they are closely allied to the FNJ. We want both on our side so we'll time our direct correspondence with them for maximum effect.
Horatio, nice comments. Where were these all along?
Waa, waa, blogdai wants to stop dealing with these anon children. Waa, Waa, where are the adults?
There goes blabbering Blogdai again. All talk and no work. That should be your motto.
Now you like PAPAD. You hated them when they were leading the movement against King's February move. Flip flop?
PAPAD can be used for expediency. And yes, if it takes a flip flop, so be it. Learned from the master himself, girija babu. You could almost start a count-down from one of his proclamations. It was only a matter of time before he reversed course.
Plus, what is the most predictable pattern in Nepal politics? Without fail it happens in this order:
1. "We will resolve this issue in a few days..."
2. "Today's meeting ended inconclusively when the parties failed to...."
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