Monday, December 19, 2011

Gagan Thapa is an Idiot

Gagan Thapa angrily rejecting India's latest bribe of "5 more meat shops."

Blogdai is tired of this guy.  

He was a screaming little boy during Jana Andolan and now he's a bought-and-paid-for member of the NC. Hooray.  Now take your money and go shut up somewhere.  Don't you have a string of meat markets to run in Kathmandu?  Quite a nice set up for a boy who started with nothing, don't you think?  Where did you get all that cash,  Papa Koirala or did you just go to Delhi directly?

Seems Lady Gagan is just beside himself these days. He just can't handle the fact that the U.S. ambassador is concerned about the NC initiated bandh and may re-instate the travel warning for U.S. citizens thinking about coming to Nepal.   Gaga(n) thinks its perfectly alright to bully the government into meeting NC demands under the shallow premise that one of their cadres was killed in a Kathmandu jail.  Rule of law be damned!  We're taking to the streets and we're going to break some things!

Once a street thug, always a street thug.  

Let's see, our brave man of the people says absolutely nothing about China's arrogant in-roads into just about every aspect of Nepali politics or India's constant meddling (don't want to bite the hand that feeds on that one, shh!)but is quick to accuse U.S. Ambassador Scott DeLisi of meddling in Nepal's internal affairs for making an appropriate and correct assessment of the bandh and its effects.  

Look no further than this for motivation:  Lady Gagan is a boy of the streets. A little street action gets his blood going and he just might be making his little play for an advanced leadership position in the NC.  

Other than that, his words are just shallow posturing by a screaming little coward.  

Take another bribe and crawl back into your hole.  



At 2:52 PM, December 19, 2011, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thapa travel the world like big deal politician. He is nothing without Girija support so don't worry.

At 6:34 AM, December 20, 2011, Anonymous Anonymous said...

His time is passed. New voice and future of Nepal rests with active youth groups like Nepal Unites. they have meeting against bhanda yesterday.

At 3:49 AM, December 21, 2011, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have always hated gagan thapa. He is exactly like brb.

At 11:49 AM, December 22, 2011, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's Girija Koirala 2.0

Yell and scream loud enough so that all the other fat cat politicians cut you a piece of the pie just to keep you quiet.

At 4:03 PM, December 26, 2011, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks bd, someone had to finally come out and say it...

At 7:58 PM, December 27, 2011, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blog dai is an idiot

At 8:41 PM, December 27, 2011, Blogger blogdai said...

Sorry, you must own a meat shop.

At 8:53 PM, December 27, 2011, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 2:39 PM, January 05, 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As the wise gay man says: if you push others shit, u will end up with one smelly d***.

At 10:32 AM, January 06, 2012, Blogger blogdai said...

How eloquent, you must be a diplomat.


At 3:29 AM, January 08, 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You seem to think highly of diplomats. For that matter eloquence too. why the hate though?

At 9:01 AM, January 08, 2012, Blogger blogdai said...

You misinterpret fatigue for hate.


At 3:28 AM, January 10, 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another wise-gay man says: play with swords not words.
spread sperm not hate blogdai.
You got skills, i ll give you that.

At 7:41 PM, January 10, 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The point of all this is that Nepali boys have only one model of democracy and political success: be obnoxious and loud, start some violent protests and maybe someone will pay you off one day. Pathetic, but that's what these little boys saw from the Maoists, so can you blame them?

At 2:05 AM, January 16, 2012, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Idiot doesn't do what he preaches. This shallow of a person is nothing but a charade. Just do not let me near microphone

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